Aug 09, 2006 23:03
Our uncle, his wife and our cousin are visiting us.
The cousin is soooooooo cute, he's two years old and talks a lot and is really active :D One has to be running after him all the time! And he's very interested about big vehicles, he knows all the vans and trucks and digging-cars by name, which is more than I can say. And the last time he was visiting us was in April, maybe, and he still remembers where we keep all our stuff, like the stethoscope, or what kind of toys we have. Adorable.
The aunt-in-law (except, not really in law because they aren't married) is pregnant at the moment, and she'll have twins, so in some weeks we'll have two more cousins :D It's really exciting, and she's huge. As in, HUGE.
Oh, sometimes I wish we lived nearer to our relatives...
(Also bought 10 cards more to day. SomebodypleasehelpmeI'mobsessed.)
I signed up for some university courses yesterday. According to the current plan, I'll study next fall History of Economics, Microeconomics I, Econometrics I, Financing, the Real Process of a Company (accounting) and Accounting and Resultcounting. (The names translated by me so they're probably wrong.) I'm also going to take some compulsory language studies, but figuring those out is so difficult that I left it for another day.
The only problem is, that even like this I get 34 ECTS, and technically I'd have to get only 30 ECTS, to graduate in five years. People are trying to get us to graduate in four years, and I don't want to. *pouts* Ah well, I suppose that a student exchange will slow me down enough, so that I can manage it in five years...
Other than that? It's mostly Internet and scouting. How exciting.