Hikago Q&A

Jun 12, 2008 08:53

epigrammist's Hikago meme!

1. Beginning with the obligatory question: how did you discover Hikago? Well. My sister's friend was into anime. She taped Fruits Basket on VHS for us years ago. On the tape there was accidentally the three first episodes of Hikago, until it cut off when Hikaru starts playing with Touya Kouyo. I WAS SO HOOKED. I made that friend to give us the rest of the anime on CDs and then I watched it in a really short time. ^___^

2. Manga or anime? Manga! :D Even though for the longest time I didn't read it, just re-watched the anime, now I totally prefer the manga.

3. Describe your Hikago experience, whatever it might have been. Well, after first watching the anime, I kind of eyed the fandom and maybe read a few fics... And for a few years, re-watched the anime now and then and read a couple of fics, never entering the fandom. Then, maybe year and a half ago, I suddenly got obsessed, and have been ever since. Reading the manga for the first time happened then ^____^

4. Are you active in the fandom? What do you do? Well, I read all the fic I come across and try to comment...

5. Have you participated in any of the Hikago challenge communities? (E.g. blind_go, ihikago, hng_prompts, fifthmus.) Blind Go and Fifthmus. And my fic has been read for iHikago!

6. Who is your favorite character in the series? Touya ♥

7. Why do you like him/her? The way he is obsessed and a social retard and brilliant.

8. Do you think this character likes those qualities about him-/herself? He wouldn't know what to do with himself if he wasn't like that...

9. Who is this character's best friend (in your opinion)? At the end of the manga, I'd say Hikaru.

10. What do they like about each other? HAHAHAHAHA. THAT THEY HAVE FOUND AN ETERNAL RIVAL AT LAST.

11. Whom does your favorite character dislike most? (Doesn't necessarily have to be a Hikago character.) Touya dislikes everyone who is a jerk; see, kicking the ass of a) that important guy by forcing a draw b) the Kaio go club members who made him play blind go.

12. Why do you think that is? BECAUSE GO IS SERIOUS BUSINESS, and no mockery or derogation is allowed.

13. Who is your least favorite character? Isumi. *hides*

14. What do you not like about him/her? I find him boring.

15. Imagine this scenario: your favorite character, the best friend, and the disliked person are stranded in a small cabin in the middle of the woods during a heavy snowstorm. They have nothing with them except what they were carrying during their mountain hike. Who dies first? Isumi, from cold. Touya and Shindou keep fighting so they stay warm.

16. Do you support any pairings? If yes, please list them here. OH NO YOU DIDN'T. In no particular order: Akira/Hikaru, Isumi/Waya, Ko-Yongha/Yashiro, Ko-Yongha/Su-Yeong, Ogata/Ashiwara, Ashiwaya/Saeki, Akira/Waya, Isumi/Le-Ping, Ogata/Sai, Mitani/Shindou, Mitani/Kishimoto, Mitani/Kaneko, Kaga/Tsutsui, Ko-Yongha/Hikaru, Ochi/OFC, Kaga/Kishimoto, Touya Kouyo/Morishita, Waya/Morishita's daughter. There's probably something I forgot to mention.

17. Which pairing is your favorite? Touya/Shindou ♥ ♥ ♥

18. Why do you like this pairing? I'm a traditionalist, what can I say. AND THE SUBTEXT KILLS ME.

19. Is there any canon evidence for this pairing? *dies* Every second of it!

20. What do you think they see in each other? What makes their relationship work (or not work)? ...I should have picked something more original as my favourite pairing...

They see each other's brilliance and room for growth like no one else does. Their relationship works because no one else matters.

21. Could their relationship survive something catastrophic (e.g. separation over long distances/time, infidelity, unexpected pregnancy, Touya Kouyo's disapproval, etc.)? It already survived Hikaru (fake)quitting go, so yeah. Nothing else can be more catastrophic :D

22. In your opinion, does the Hand of God exist, and can it be achieved? It can't be achieved, but it exists as an idea.

23. Assuming that it does exist and can be achieved: Which character do you think will find it first? Someone a thousand years from now.

24. Assuming that it does not exist and cannot be achieved: Which character is most likely to die trying? Sai already did.

25. Now make up your own question and answer it: Shouldn't everyone watch Hikago? YES!!!!


I have so many other things about which I should write here, too, but I've already procrastinated enough, so. Later!

memes, hikago

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