I, uh. Created myself a fic community.
page_o_fic! Finnish people will maybe know where the name comes from, others can wonder ;)
Feel free to watch - though I'll still probably announce all the new fic in this journal too.
And it's on InsaneJournal as well! *
As a grand opening, I posted a Snape/Ginny fic. Yes, feel free to go faint or something :P
FoolishnessPairing: Snape/Ginny, others implied
Rating: NC-17
Words: ~2 200
Summary: I fasten the blindfold over her eyes, and only then do I let my hand caress her body. The light is dim enough for her freckles not to stand out too much.
Warnings: chan? (happens during DH)
A/N: My eternal gratitude and all future babies belong to
miarr, who did an awesome job betaing this fic. ♥
I actually quite like that fic, and would be very pleased if you would tell me what you think of it! :)
I'm going to be in Japan from December 14th to December 26th. Envy me!