So...I spent the day in the ER. Has anyone heard of these symptoms before?

Sep 21, 2010 20:35

I have bronchitis and apparently had some sort of whacked out reaction to using my inhaler.

I had the symptoms of a fever without a fever; from sweating to chills with a steady temp of 97.5 degrees. Then I'd cycle through this weirdness: first, I'd get emotional, start crying without any idea why, then my body would start spasming, not shivering or twitching, but spasming. Then my breathing would get worse (did I forget to mention I was hyperventilating for a couple hours?)

The whole cycle took about two minutes, then it would ease off for a few minutes and start all over again. The NP thought I was having a panic attack but I was pretty calm the whole time while my body acted out of control.

I had 3 EKGs, blood drawn for lab work, urine tests (because they couldn't believe I wasn't on something and can you imagine trying to get a urine sample when you're shaking so hard you can't hold the cup?), x-rays and a CT scan, breathing treatment, oxygen up my nose. had a vein burst because the nurse attempted to insert my IV while I was spasming, and then I left a trail of blood into the CT room because someone unhooked me from my IV without closing it off.

In the end, I stopped cycling so they sent me home with two inhalers, more pills to take, and a week off of work. And they still don't know what happened.

So I'm laying down...typing, which is all I'm allowed to do. What with the difficulty breathing and the feeling that I've been beaten up.
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