Dec 21, 2004 21:10

So i'm home from Westfield untill mid-January. YAY!!

It feels good to be home; to get a taste of what life was like before Westfield. I have my old room back, my old job back, i can go anywhere whenever i want (if mommy says so, ofcourse lol....). I just <3 home.... :)

I have to admit, though, that i'm dissapointed with my first semester at college. They say you "find yourself" in college and you "blossom" into whomever you are. Well, i discovered who i was like 2 years ago and i'm still that person cause i really enjoy who that person is. The only thing i really learned was something that i suspected all along: the conservatives and republicans are going to destroy America and all it truely stands for. GO BUSH! (sense the sarcasm...) I did pretty well in my classes, but i could have done a butt load better, i had a cool internship that i pretty much shoved to the side and did nothing with. BUT!! i can however redeem myself! I'll still have the same internship next semester and i'm determined to do extremely well in all my classes (and spend at least 10 hours a week in the library. Yes, 10).

In the meantime, i'm going to enjoy myself while i'm home reliving this past summer exactly lol....except there will be snow involved. I'm gonna spend as much time as i can with Dave ( <3 ), ofcourse. We're both really busy, but this seems like a good opportunity to really get to know one another and just be together. OMG I <3 THAT BOY!!! (sorry....had a little spasm...hehe)

I'm gonna miss all my Westfield buddies!! But the vacation is shorter than we probably think and it'll go by wicked fast. So, no goodbyes are in order, i'll see you guys later :)

Anyway, thats all for now. Love ya!

p.s.-- i really am gonna try to update more over the vacation, just for those who are curious as to whats going on....(lol i can only think of 2 that might be.....which is sad.....but whatever)
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