Mar 26, 2004 19:12
*insert pissed face here*
matt el suxxors
hmm what else
so does another guy
it got screwed
oh well
i'm doing somthing really really always cuz i rawk but's a petition that'll saves hopefully thousands of lives i just thought of it in my writing class and it's soo gonna happen i'm writting an argumentive essay on hmo reforms....and then i thought you know what...i'm going to try to change it i want to change the law so one can get a check up on what the feel they need if they want to....hmo's suck and they wouldn't let my aunt get checked for cancer even though she had it before...she tried getting a test done for almost 2 years cuz she was having a hard time breathing the docotor and the hmo denined her when infact she did had cancer they didn't find out till she almost died the tomurs were soo big blocking her lungs...she died 1 yr later and it could have been prevented if they gave her a test thats she wanted to get done.
i hope i can do something
angie the head of the skool news paper said she'd print it out front page when i'm done with it, since my aunt used to go to pima for her nursing degree...she found out she had cancer 1 month before she graduated.
i'm doing this for her and all the other that die becuz they get denied test when they pay insurance it's just not right.
so here we go
i'm gonna do start having people sign potitions this sat at toon in!!!!
so please sign it to help save the lives of thousands a year