Merry Christmas

Dec 26, 2005 14:40 I'm a day late...whatever. It lasts til New Year's, anyway. Not much to say, just wanted to say that. Um I guess I might as well say what I got, since it wasn't very much.

Uh, The Cheat hoodie, Homestar shirt, rice cooker, socks, uh..I know there's more. Well from my friends I got a cowboy hat, rainbow suspenders, belt buckle that has a shamrock and says 'Rub For Luck' around it, and a shirt that says 'I <3 Lesbians' haha...oh and three bottle of Marinellie's. (yeah spelled that wrong, I think). Haven't opened what my roommate got me, figured I'd wait til I gave him what I got him and we could open them together.

So yeah...I'm gonna be getting gifts for my friends this week. Hope they don't mind it being late...but that way, Christmas just lasts that much longer for them! I always like that for my birthday, when I get stuff late cuz it just lasts that much longer! Yay for repeating myself! Ah ha....k, I'm done. Peace.
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