The long meme. Longest youve ever seen.

Aug 14, 2009 03:31

The one meme you don't want to do.
101 questions; can you take it?
I don't think so.
the only rule, there is no rules. Except tag five people.
Good luck.

I tag:
Can you do it?

Staying loyal to being tagged, here it goes:

1.What song are you really listening to?
At the moment, Christina Aguilera's hurt.

2.What show are you watching now?
Uhh, Cheers? =/

3.What other website are you on right now?

4.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

5.Do you love your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Not sure if it's love just yet. Only been about a week.

6.If he/she broke up with you what would you do?
Be really upset then get over it. I'm use to it.

7.If the cutest person ever came up to right now and asked you out, what would you do?
Ask what the fuck they are doing in my house.

8.Do you read slash? (bands, shows, movies, books ect..)
Tiny bit.

9.Who's slash if so?
Panic! at the Disco.

10.What pairing?

I have no clue really. Bordom mostly.

12.Do you watch porn?
No. fucking. way.

13.How often?
I don't.

14.Are you gay or straight?

15.Have you ever had sex?

16.What is you bed time?
i don't have one.

17.How long can you stay out at night?
If I'm at my friend Michael's I can stay out till 2. If not 12.

18.You walk in on your grandmother changing what do you do?
Pour lighter fluid in my eyes and set them on fire and jump out the window.

19.Worst movie you've ever seen?
I actually just watched it, it's called the Chronicals of an Exosism.

20.Best movie you've seen?
The Messenger or Stand By Me.

21.The first celebrity you remember having a crush on.
Brendon Urie. Then my friend said he was hers so I moved on to Ryan Ross.

22.Who is your current celebrity crush?
Spencer Smith. :]

23.Would you date them?
Kind of  weird age difference. If that wasn't there, yes.

24.Marry them?
Same as the answer before.

25.Have you ever quoted anything they have said? (If it's an actor, not something they have said in a movie)
All the time.  I always quote Spencer when he's talking about him and ryan blowing up the power box and he's like "God damn, nieghborhood hooligans.."

26.How many friends are on your friends list?
I think 45? Pretty sure give or take a few...

27.Do you like them all?
Most of them.

28.Who is your bestfriend?
rw8soccer :]

29.Why are they your best friend?
She ALWAYS listens to me, hears me  complain every day, enjoys making crazy ass stories up, and just an all around amazing person.

30.Who on your list would you get rid of?
I can't think of the name, but they'll know because I'm cleaning my list after this.

31.If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?
If your sleeping, do you still breathe?

32.Favorite Candy?
Twizzler chewy bites!

33.Favorite food?
Crab Rangoon

34.What was the most embarrassing thing you had to do?
I did a lip-sync to Heaven by DJ sammy with three of my friends for school. It kicked ass, but I felt like an idiot.

35.How many iblings do you have?

36.Brothers or sisters?
Both are brothers.

37.How many cousins do you have? (in your close family, not like your twice removed ect..)
I have...9.

38.Are you the oldest in your family?
No, I'm the youngest.

39.How old are you?

40.What is the age of your oldest sibling?
25, almost 26.

41.Are your parents together?

42.Who do you live with?
My father.

43.How many grandparents do you have?
I have 1 and I don't even like her.

44.Do you watch sports?

45.Which ones?
Baseball & Hockey.

46.What teams do you follow?
Boston Red Sox, Boston Bruins, Chicago Cubs..

47.Can you believe this is only question 41?
I'm not giving up jackass.

48.Do you like animals?

49.Cat or dogs?

50.Penguins of Kangaroo?
Penguins fuck yeah!

51.Weather or not you've had sex or not, does size matter in a guy?/Does size matter in a girl?

52.Would you ever have a threesome?
No way in hell.

53.Are you glad that that was the last sex question?

54.What is your all time favorite band?
Panic! at the disco.

55.Have you ever dreamed about them?
All the time.

56.What was the weirdest dream you've ever had about them?
We were pirates, then we ended up in the Jungle Book with that weird kid.

57.What do you love more: them or the music?
The music.

58.Why do you love the music?
The lyrics, the passion, the drums...(the drummer..)

59.One word to describe the frontman?
Adorable. :]

60.Who is your favorite band member?
Spencer Smith.

61.Why are they your favorite?
He reminds me of myself. And he's just adorable.

62.What do you hate about that band? (there has to be one thing..)
I had to think, but I'll go with...Brendon bringing back the whole stage antics where he gropes theguitarist. It's not the same without Ryan, and even then it was awkward.

63.Are people going to kill you for saying that?
Maybe, i know some one agrees with me.

64.Do you know what you are doing later on in life?
Sort of.

65.Do you plan on going to college?

66.For what if you are?
Either Management to work at a record label, or a Graphic Designer.

67.What is on your tv now?
Sports Nation.

68.Are you bored yet?
Sort of, but I'm not giving up.

69.Would you ever prostitue for money if you had to?
No, I'd rather be poor then sell my own body. It's mine for a reason.

70.If you could blow up one thing without getting in trouble what would it be?

71.Why that?
i don't know, that state seems pointless to me. (sorry everyone who is from there, I don't hate you, just the state :D)

72.Strangest fact about yourself?
It's not really a fact, but I CAN NOT eat ice cream with the same spoon I used to scoop it out. i can't. It's like I'm scared to.

73.Have you ever had surgery?

74.How many times?

75.What for?
Both for a brain tumors.

76.Do you have a scar?
No, they went through my nose.

77.Have any more coming up?
Actually yes how did you guess?

78.Have you ever had stiches?

79.How many times and how many?
once and I have 5 though i should have had 9.

80.What for?
i stabbed myself in the hand with a boxcutter.

81.Do you have a scar?
Yes and everyone points it out even though it on my fucking knuckle. How do they see it?

82.Can you speak more then one language?
Sort of.

83.What other language?

84.Who is your bestfriend off of livejournal?
My friend Sarah.

85.Would you rather: eat gum off the sidewalk, or lick spit?
Both are repulsive, but..gum.

86.I say summer you think?
"in the middle of summer, all was golden in the sky..."

87.i say spring you think?
"Spring time the only ring time birds sing, hey ding, a little sweet lover's love, in spring..."

88.I say winter you think?
It's fucking cold.

89.I say fall, you think?
My friend Autumn, haha.

90.Scariest possition you've been in?
I was on walkie-talkies with my friends (even though we were right next to each other) and this guy kept saying he could see us all, so my friend holly got a butcher knife and we sent my brother's friend Justin down the hill and the guy was like he's standing in the middle of the street under the light. It ws freaky.

91.Best gift youve given some one?
It was a joke, but my bet friend's last name is Grover, like the seaseme street character and i had this book from when I was little and on the last day of german class I gave him the book. it was called Grover's terrible, awful, bad day. he read it out loud to us haha.

92.Best gift you've recieved ( and don't be like "friendship")
Ugh, umm, probably my collage of Panic! my mom made me. i love it, but we are changing the pictures because panic! is all screwy.

93.NOW what are you listening to?
Godspeed - anberlin.

94.Done with this?
Have we reached 101, I don't think so.

95.what time is it?

96.What is your slogan?
i'm not good at advice, can i intresst you in a sarcastic comment?

97.What is your favorite color?

98.Are you taking any lessons?
Yup, guitar from my friend Michael, and vocal.

99.which one do you like the most?
i like being able to sing, but guitar with my best friend is fucking amusing.


101.What color is the sky?
At the moment, it's dark blue.

One finl question: What do you have to say to the person who tagged you.

GO FUCK YOURSELF. Just kidding. Thank you for emposing this task on me, :]
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