I gots a song stuck in my head.
I love love (loveloveloveloveeee)
A Static Lullaby's cover of Toxic .
Therefortomorrow's cover of Ice Box.
And I haven't heard the studio version but The Cab coving Disturbia, will demolish the original version. I know it will. I have a little faith in them. Wonder who got that....
And I would love to hear Mayday Parade's cover of When I Grow Up because I hate that song.
Go listen to them.
I'm so getting that CD.
So I've emersed myself into music and haven't came out from under the blanket of notes for a couple of days. Saturday I got into a fight with my mom which ended with a bizzare and really random agreement to move to my mom's house in a completly other state. Away from all my friends and my brothers and my dad.
It was a really hard thing to go with. Considering my mom has been trying to get me to move to her hosue since they got divorced 4 years ago. I'm only going because it's for medical reasons and it would make her happy. And why not get a new start? I might like it better.
It's wierd telling people who I never really thought of being my friensd that I was leaving and seeing them get upset. I've give my cellphone number out so many times I think i should just wear a sign that says it. Or my screen name. My bestfriend Devin had asked me if i was feeling good because i was out for 2 weeks and I was like I'm doing okay, i feel terrible and guess what I'm moving. And it was so quiet in the room and i sit in the middle of the room and he just started screaming YOU SUCK! and out teacher was like Devin watch your mouth and he goes Sorry You Blow! I was like shut the fuck up devin! and the teacher sent us to the library because he thought we have "Issues" to deal with. And my other bestfriend Sarah is extremely upset. It killlllled me to tell her becuase I promised I wouldn't move becuase i almost left a few months ago.
Creepy part is my Math teacher ws begging me to stay. He's like You have to stay for my birthday! You MUST stay! I'm like I'm sorry.... (creep) The guy is awesome but sometimes he's a little to friendly for me and towards me and it creeps the other kids in my class out. He is my favorite teacher though, besides the creepy-ness. He was explaining why he named his children to me their names today. I explained that my mom didn't name me Nicole because she didn't want people calling me Nikki becuse it sounded like Hickey.
Fun fact of today: Marmiliad was made in Germany. Josh, the kid I like and going to miss. So. Fucking. Much. and I were working on our german projects which are A B C books. (Yeah I know so difficult) and he got all excited because he found marmilaid in the german/english dictionary. Devin is also in this clas with me and he dicided to do an animal ABC book and he couldn't find an animal for C and Josh was like I bet you I could find one and Devin said he couldn't. So I made a bet for them saying if Josh found one he got to throw the dictionary at him and if he didn't Devin got to throw one at him, and they agreed. Josh was running out of time and Devin was like I get to throw a boomat him. And I was like Devin no you don't. And you know he'll just throw one back adn Devin kept pointing out that I liked him, but only in a way I would understand or my brother who is in our class. But it was obvious in a way. So i think he knows now, I was going to etell him befor ei left but i guess it's all over now.
I sprained my elbow yesterday falling on Ice =[. It kills.
Birthday is in 4 days =] Mt mom is holding my Cab Blue Vinyl hostage till then, but I think I convinced her to bring it down earlier because I wont be there till I move up there.
My older brother's is in 2 days. =]
Bruins are coming on at 7. I really hope they win this time.
New header to be up soon, maybe alredy up by the time you read this.
And I maybe, sorta kinda really love my avatar of Marshall<3