Day four of a ten day break.

Nov 19, 2007 19:33

YAY. I haven't been this well-rested in weeks.

Sorry, I wasn't more verbose lately, but school is the number one priority, and I had a LOT of cramming to do. Last Tuesday I had a 10-15 page lab report due, Wednesday I had a Biology test and I guess you'd call it a practical in my weight training class, Thursday I had a presentation due and the night before I lost my thumbdrive in the computer lab on campus. Long story short, the thumbdrive came back, but I thought I was going to have to re-do the whole thing in four hours. It sucked.

I survived!

In other news:

We're broke! It's been coming for a while. Aaron jokes that I spend all his money, but the truth is that my REQUIREMENTS for living in his house were a washer and dryer, a vacuum that works, and garbage service. Because as much as I love his mother, I will not drive forty miles once a week so I can do laundry and throw away stinky food that's been sitting in the back of Aaron's truck for several days. Plus, the lawyer finally cleared Aaron from ever having to pay that $55,000 hospital bill that his insurance refused to cover, so we owed him (the lawyer) a considerably smaller chunk of change. It was, however, still a chunk we couldn't easily part with. Then there's six months of insurance and new tags due on Aaron's truck. You know, it all comes at once. Aaron was convinced we're destitute, but I have much more practice at being broke than he does, so I know we're not nearly as poor as he thinks we are. It's just tight, that's all.

And in still other news:

It just so happens that parrots go through periods of "mating behavior" in May and November. Yikes! It's exceptionally difficult for companion parrots because there are no other parrots around to get funky with. So Sonny aimed his feathery little Barry White impersonation at me. Suddenly he became aggressive and jealous of Aaron, and since he hadn't had his wings clipped recently, he'd taken to flying at Aaron's face! We called Sonny the Flying Beak, he'd bitten Aaron several times. Aaron once forcefully brushed him off on to the floor after Sonny drew blood, and Sonny took serious offense at this. For a while Aaron couldn't even handle him. It nearly broke Aaron's heart; he'd heard that parrots never forgive someone who hurts them, however accidentally. Plus, with being recently cash-broke and all, Aaron's spirits were crushed. But I did some reading and found out about mating behavior. We decided that light restriction (to eleven and a half or twelve hours a day) and regimented daily training would help, and they have, dramatically. Sonny has ceased being jealous, and though he still prefers me, he's beginning to be affectionate to Aaron now too. Plus we got his wings clipped again, which is safer for everyone involved, including Sonny. No more flying off your stand, little birdy! (Uh, did I just insinuate that Barry White is aggressive and jealous? Oops. Sorry.)

Hmm, let's see, anything else?
Well, my dad's been diagnosed as pre-diabetic, which may or may not have something to do with his mother, who has adult-onset diabetes. I picked up a tumbleweed off the highway today, so I'm going to flock it (spray fake snow on it), and hang it from the ceiling instead of a Christmas tree. Also, I made three types of cookies today. I'm tired now, so I'm going downstairs to veg out and work on my scrap book, so at the end of next month I'll only be a year behind, instead of two.

husband, cookies, birdy, broke

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