Where to begin….

Nov 28, 2006 22:55

Well I am healing very nicely from the surgery, the scar is getting lighter and maybe smaller (?), but I am still freaking people out with my abnormal organs and their left side tendencies [for those who don’t know all my organs: appendix, BOTH kidneys, spleen, etc. (with the exception of the female bits) are all to the left due to a congenital mal-rotation].

Also in healing, I was having nightmares. Surgery is scary stuff, and I was getting operated on every time I went to sleep. Thank god for psychiatrists. They just up your medication until you are so dazed you don’t care about nightmares or your body doesn’t even function enough to have them. Kudos, also, to the NJ state mental health programs. ::rolls eyes::

I have been cooking. No really cooking, like following a recipe and people eat it and don’t die. I know, the same girl who had a problem boiling water and thought offering people gum was cooking. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach right? Well my man has been spending more time here ever since I have been cooking, so……

Ok now the fun stuff….

On November 18, Greg and I did the unthinkable. We went to Toys ‘R’ Us, and sat outside for 17 hours to get the new Nintendo Wii. It was freaking awesome!! We got there about 7:30 in the morning, and got our place in line (#19). It was almost like “Survivor” - I started the second island. We met this guy named Jeff and his son Jeff and Jeff’s friend Dylan. We were all comrades. It was awesome. Greg and I had been scoping out where to go to get the Wii for days before and we were going to go to Wal-Mart, but they were going to have a raffle, so we opted out on that. In fact, most of the original islanders, including Jeff and the boys, were ones that found that out the hard way.

We waited and waited, and the security people came out and said they had 160 units (which was awesome b/c we were #19), but they also said only one per family and you had to be 18 to buy one. Well this was at like 6pm. Poor Dylan had come with his friend and his friend’s dad, waited in the cold, was going to have to wait until at least midnight, and still wasn’t going to be able to buy one. I felt so bad for him. I told him I would buy it for him (he had cash), and that was the best feeling ever - it was so totally worth it. I was there to support Greg, but by chance I helped a little boy who was willing to wait the rest of the night out and get nothing in return. His face when he actually got his hands on his own Wii was priceless.

So we are waiting on these islands, and the security comes out and says that they are going to form the lime by the islands (they had been watching the order that they were forming). Well, we had devised our number system and decided that was much better, and after a few rowdy people, and a bunch of cop cars, security agreed. So just after midnight, we get to go in and make our purchase, but the people that pre-ordered were there as well, in fact they let in a father and son in after Dylan and I. The father made me so mad, I almost reached around and punched him in the face. The entire day I had been sitting outside in the cold, I am in the store with a blanket draped around me like a cape. I mean I have invested over 17 hours at this point. The father, who stood in line in 70 degree weather for 3 hours the previous weekend, told his son that he was a die-hard because not a lot of pre-order people came to pick-up their systems. I was furious.

Greg drove me home, we had 2 cars, but mine broke down, and I went to sleep, but the next day was the dawn of the Wii. I have never had so much fun with a console. It came with a sports pack that has bowling and tennis, boxing, golf and baseball. Plus we made our own little people called Mii’s. It was awesome. Greg brought it over for thanksgiving, and over the weekend, while we had guests, and even my parents were playing.

Thanksgiving was, well, eventful. We had a tsunami hit the laundry room. Something about a clogged drain and my grandmother exclaimed gleefully that the rolls were bad. She meant they weren’t bad, but it came out wrong. Also, on thanksgiving eve, I didn’t go drinking, I went to the grocery store with my mom and dad at like 11:30 trying to earn enough points to get a free turkey, that we didn’t need b/c I had already picked up the one from the casino with my grandparents on Monday.

Friday I spent time with my honey, and then came home to get ready for Scott and Janet to arrive. We had plans to go to Helium (the comedy club in Philly), and they were all kinds of late, but somehow beat us to the club. We had an awesome time. We saw Kevin Brennan, and Greg bought me his CD, which he signed for me. After that we came back here and watched “Full Metal Jacket.” Janet was so funny, she wasn’t sure she was allowed to watch it.

So Saturday was the wedding. We were all getting ready and we had discussed how we wanted a picture of the 5 gooch girls, since out of like the 21 grandchildren, only five of them are girls (well gooch girls, anyway). It was awesome when we got to the church and we were all wearing black. We got a gorgeous picture of the five of us in front of a fireplace at Lucien’s Manor. We had fun, we danced, we talked, they drank, I had soda, and then we came home, took some pictures for fun and played more Wii. Greg ended up sleeping over.

Sunday morning, my mom made brunch for all of us and my gram. We were all waking up at different times, and Greg went upstairs to make coffee and Scott comes moseying out into the family room. He looks at me and says really quiet like “Can we turn it on?” referring to the Wii. I told him yes and the Wii fun began again.

It was so much fun, we played some, ate, then talked some and then played with the pictures from Saturday. Janet and Scott went back to Maryland, Gram and Greg left and the weekend kind of ended. But it was a blast. Can’t wait to do it again!!!
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