Nov 30, 2011 23:01
Since I haven't updated for a couple of weeks...
I finished NaNoWriMo, if not the actual story. I figure I have about 10-20k more words to go on it before it's done and I start heavily editing it.
Thanksgiving went well, even if I now have the usual Central Texas cedar allergy-induced sinus infection. Hopefully I don't have to sleep sitting up tonight. I called my mom earlier tonight and between her laryngitis and my horrible cough voice, neither of us could really understand the other.
I will never stop freaking out over being able to check out and read library books over my phone.
The Muppets soundtrack will make me dance at work, and I don't care who is watching. (That's a lie. But it does make me dance at work.)
I should have taken Benadryl about a half hour ago.