Dragoncon 2006 Summary

Sep 04, 2006 22:35

Ok I decided not to blog each day because I could go on and on and bore everyone. So here is a shorter version.

Thursday - the pre-DC party in the Hyatt and Marriott gets bigger every year. The lobby was crowded and there were plenty of costumes. I'm continually amazed. The ADD started - saw lots of old faces and I would talk to a new person almost every 10 minutes. See the broken beer bottle on the floor. One of many!

Friday - Bob got up early and got on the Morning Show or something with Fox5. I was too lazy and Danger Woman showed up. No offense to Danger Woman who is a fun autistic lady, but using her as a representative of people who attend Dragoncon is not the image I really want to give off. Bob ran off as soon as he saw her.

We did the whole dealer room thing after that. Mickey Rooney was high on the list for autographs and I also got to say hi to the TAPS boys. Jason and Grant wouldn't be there until Saturday. Wheezy begged Bob to show up as Darth Vader later.

Then I got into costume.

I wore my Green Renaissance dress in the Marriott for an hour or two. Tommy showed up in his new blue jacket and it was fun to hang with him.

But I was totally excited about debuting our newest costumes in the Dragoncon Costume Contest. I practically counted down the hours. I HATE holding such a cool secret!

Unfortunately, being that it was a first year event, it was a tad disorganized and took hours and hours to do!! There were 50-70 people to judge and the judges let them drag on as long as they needed. So 1.5hrs into the contest they had only done like 18 people X_X

However, so many of the costumes were absolutely beautiful. Everything from the White Witch of Narnia in chain mail, to a Pirate with hundreds of gem stones to other historical costumes which were hand embroidered. I figured there was no way I could even place against some of these beautiful outfits. *bows*


My Venetian costumes won Overall Best in Show. I was floored. It was flattering that they felt my costumes were worthy of the title. I also got a lot of awesome compliments; Peter Jurasik (emcee and Shakespearean/Babylon5 actor) said they were "Simply Stunning." SPAT said, "Whatever award they gave you, it wasn't enough." And everywhere I went people talked about them all weekend. Even so, I have no big head - I was quite humbled looking at the other gorgeous costumes in the room and even felt a tad guilty because I felt there were others who did amazing jobs. NO way I would hand embroider every inch of my costume. Kudos to the other costumers who clearly did beautiful and creative jobs on their outfits. Oh a friend of mine taped the whole thing so he promised to send me video. I'll post it if I can.

The lobby was also a fun trip with the Carnival outfits. A few people came up and said that they were happy that someone thought beyond the another x-men costume and did something completely off the wall.

Unfortunately they were hot as crap and folks kept stepping on my train. So we got out and wore nice clothes for a bit. I went to bed around 2ish.

Did the Parade. Jay and Grant were featured in a car and Grant turned around and recognized me in the pirate costume. *waves at Grant* He is totally cool.

Then I did a photoshoot with Russell in the Marriott pool area and after that got into costume.

We wore the fairies for a bit -- me, thebigpants and kittysparkles
After that Bob and I hit the amazing pirate party on the 10th floor. It started off as a meeting of a few friends and grew on the internet to become this huge beer fest with over 50 people. That lasted an hour or two -- the Marriott naturally got pissed because the party had free booze. They claimed we were too noisy. People were merely talking and there are NO ROOMS on the 10th floor.

So back to the bottom floor again where we just hung out until I was practically passed out on the couches. I'm such a lightweight LOL


I slept in later on Sunday so I could stay up later. Bob went over to Nick and Brian's room and got painted up as "Crispy Anakin". He was a hit all day long.
I was going to wear Enya but traded that to become the latest Wolf Bros hit....the Darth Cardinal aka Cardinal Sin. I totally got to do the bird thing. It looked bad ass. Oh and one of the twins spilled glue all over his sandwich while painting Bob up - we died laughing!

After hours of pissing around in that I went back to the room and got ready for another photoshoot in the Carnival outfits. Bob was late and I forgot my badge hahaha but the photoshoot turned out freaking awesome. And once again people loved it. Heck a woman even approached Jackie later on and asked if, "She was the lady who wore the masked that had the mask you put in front of your face" LMFAO Nice description. Almost as good as "Ghost Plumbers".

Now it was free reign to do any costume. So I did Guildwars with thebigpants and finally the Mayan Princess. Dea won the pirate party "Best Chest" contest and got free tickets to next year. I used my prize money to do the same thing also.


Slow day naturally. I picked up my 6yds of Velvet (prize from the Costume Contest) and we wandered around. I called Grant around 4pm and invited the guys from TAPS to dinner. Brian and Steve left early so they didn't show up. Jackie and Carl surprised their daughter and went to dinner with us. She loves TAPS and had no CLUE they'd be eating there. OMG I would have crapped myself at her age. She was totally cool about it.

I'm super tired at this point - from lack of sleep and my feet hurt like hell. I'm glad to have met everyone again and once again I wish I could have spent more time with certain individuals. I hope they have a great year and that we see them again next Dragoncon!!!!!

More photos soon!

dragoncon, costuming

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