
Oct 24, 2005 02:36

I can't sleep. Got class at 9, gotta start practicing for class at 8, can't sleep.

Dunno why.

School is going good. Mid-Terms just finished (although I still have to write a mid-term paper for Greek Civ) and Rugby is over until spring season (3 months to condition). I'm having a good time here at school.

I can't wait for Thanksgiving. It's going to be awesome to hang out with good old friends and drink and talk and keep it chill. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to go to blowouts and get trashed, but it's not the same. Not the same at all.

In fact, I'm more excited for that than I am for my birthday.

Neverwinter Nights has taken up ALL my free time. That's all I did today, play that game. I've got work tomorrow, but my goddamn paycheck doesn't come in until the end of November. How shitty is that? End of fuckin november. Bah. At least it'll be a nice big fat one, but I'd rather have money beforehand. C'est la vie.

My wrist is, fortunately, not as fucked up as I thought. They did x-rays and the like, and it's just a /really/ bad sprain, but not a fracture. So hoorah for that action. I'd be fucking pissed off if it was a fracture.

Reading lots of comic books, and taking advantage of the Carnegie Library's rich shelves. Got me the Rocketeer and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Hellboy is on the way.

It's all a game of waiting.
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