Nov 05, 2005 22:00
It has been a long time since I've updated. Let the updating begin...
I've been feeling better...emotionally. When I first started this journal, I was frustrated with my situation. Being a young mother with an unemployed husband just takes a lot of energy out of the system. I just wanted to pack my bag and leave with the baby, but I realized how hard it was to be in a broken home. My parents divorced when I was seventeen. I spent half the school year with my dad, the other half with my mom. And being caught in the crossfire of their anger and hatred for each other was hard. I didn't want that kind of life for my daughter. She deserves a lot better. Now all my energy has been directed into helping Joe find a job and to actually find peace within our relationship. I also got a new job, which I'm very happy about. I'm now a human resource specialist. It's funny, I'm only eighteen and I have a cool job like that. I feel cool now. I'm thinking about moving back to Florida to be closer to my parents in about a year or so. That'll be interesting. It gives me a chance to catch up with my lost friends, like Bon Bon, Maxine, Keef, and Ellen. But, you know, it's just a thought running through my head.
Hopefully life will get better. I remember being little and thinking: life is going to suck meatballs when I'm older. And it's true. Now I know what people meant when they talked about the "real world." "tis a lovely place, you just have a nice little path to walk along peacefully until you die.