To initiate a new Wiz...

Jun 26, 2002 00:38

Oh, dear GOD this had me, and the rest of the staff at TF in -tears- laughing!

Simply put, Gumble, the MUCK Theme guru, got promoted tonight. As a player is not notified when a wizbit is granted, Gumby was none the wiser when he inquired of whether or not he was going to be getting a wizbit for his new job., being the evil, sadistic bastard that I am, decided to initiate him into wizship. ;)

Gumble says, "So.. do I have a staffbit still? Or am I being slapped with a Wizbit? O.o"
You say, "type @find and you'll see. ;)"
Brash ers, "Take a look around you, Gumby. :P"
Gumble says, "ACK! Sith you f***er!"
Sithicus LAUGHS!
Brash ROLLS!

Of course, it wasn't exactly censored on staffnet....Gumby was rather upset when he typed @find, and over 4000 lines of spam scrolled up on his screen. Luckily he doesn't hold grudges....or know about the @force command yet. ;)

Oh, wait.....scratch that.

Sithicus says, "I enjoy the feel of lard between my toes, and weasel's in my armpits."
Sithicus shall now slay Gumble.
Sithicus says, "Or make a complete fool out of him. ;)"
Gumble shouts, "I enjoy the feel of lard between my toes, and weasel's in my armpits." (public message)
Sithicus shouts, "Not as much as I do!" (public message)
Gumble shouts, "I beg to differ!" (public message)
Lucied shouts, "You two are so not weird!" (public message)
Sithicus shouts, "Gumble is my lord and master. I bow prostrate before him. For he is in fact: The Dark Lord Voldamort" (public message)

At that point, I was too busy killing myself laughing to retaliate. ;) @force rules. ;
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