Jun 11, 2002 09:58
GRAAAAAAH!!! It's been a bloody annoying week already.
Saturday, I go to slip my shoes on to get some food, because I'm friggin' starving to death. Planning on taking a run to Arby's and get the biggest goddamn sandwich they make, when suddenly, I realize that, for no apparent reason, I now only have -one- shoe. And my roomates had a party last night, meaning that shoe could be anywhere between here and Japan.
Luckily, Atty was around to let me take out all my frustrations, because quite frankly, that was the last straw between me and my roomates. My landlord's cool, got no beef with him, but where Rhonda and Rob are concerned, many, many obscene words come to mind. It's pretty sad when you have to keep your shoes in your room because you can't trust anyone you live with enough to leave them by the door.
Later on that day, I got my Rocket alt approved, which was good. Was really excited about subjecting Rocket in general to the horrors of Mick. Had a really fun RP with Shadow on Sunday morning...two days with the character and he already has an enemy. Only he thinks she's got it bad for him. ;)
Made plans with Shade to have Mick bug Hayes later on Sunday evening, when I got hom from work.
...only to find that when I got home from work, my friggin DSL modem crapped out on me, and wouldn't turn back on.
So they had to send me another one. ANOTHER one! They've sent me four of the damn things in the last month, because they keep destroying themselves. At least they're crediting me for the time I can't get online. And not charging me $300 for the modems. Oh, I'd be pissed if they were charging me for faulty modems.
So needless to say, didn't get to RP with Shade Sunday evening. Was looking forward to that, too.
I missed all my friends like you wouldn't believe. It sucks being involuntarily ripped away from them for two days. I was bored as hell yesterday.
So today, I wake up to 'Hey, Steve, your package is here.' Good ole' Bruce, I figured he'd be around when the delivery guy knocked on the door. I sign for the delivery, and practically rip the little plastic device out of the static bag, and plug it in. Finally, I'm back online. .....only Neo's down. *siiigh* So now I have pretty much no contact with any of my friends there, save those that use AIM. Talked for a bit with Keithvee this morning, after I got back online.
Well...at least I have Angie. *hugs* Big smile when she logged on to TF this morning. Was thinking of calling her last night, even, to let her know I might be gone for a few days, but the friggin' phone was dead. As usual, because nobody in this house knows how to hang it up on the charger before the little warning beep goes off.
Oh, yes, and I hafta work in a half hour, too. *hits something* My day promises to be great, what can I say