Feb 09, 2009 13:07
I think I might be failing nutrition already. It's basically all online. There's my problem. I just can't do the whole working-soley-on-computers thing. Which I suppose is a problem in this day and age.
I called her last night and I'm sure it was a big mistake. I don't even think about the things I do anymore. Really. I over-think things that hardly deserve a glancing though, and yet the things I really ought to think through get no attention whatsoever. It's like I'm stubbornly impulsive and irrationally spontaneous, not to mention just a hint irresponsible.
I hear violins playing in my mind. I see smoke curing in front of my face. I am bruised and blistered and wanting only to feel more more more. Pain and pleasure are all the same. It's all the fucking same.
Give me pain. Give me pleasure. The world is screeching violins in harmony. The wind is relaxing and bitter cold. The heat is too much and it surrounds me like pins and pillows.
She is lost in the void of spinning sleeping stomach pain.
I am found on a bed of needles and a sky filled with nothing but refreshing poison rain.