Jun 09, 2005 12:24
so we had a blowout. my brazillian man can't stand that i have guy friends. he would rather me ditch them to be with him. HA! anyone who knows me or even a little bit about me knows that i can't go back to the way i was, pining and catering to the every whim of a guy who might just be pretending to like me. so whatever.
he can be his pissy self, but i'm on to bigger and better things. its actually fun going out with friends and feeling like he's waiting around somewhere wondering where i am. but i should probably mention that we're still sleeping together. i just got checked again for my yearly "poke and prode" girl appointment and i'm all set with the no pregnancy thing. and i was so paranoid that i even went all out and got tested for everything. go me. i'm clean. go me again. but yeah, i think an open relationship is better. this way i don't feel bad about not being honest. i know that sounds terrible, but i guess it's the way things will work out. he can't accept my friends and i can't accept that he has more girl feelings than i do, AND I HAVE A VAGINA!!! stupid foreigner. but he is a good lay.
whatever, so i'm still baking. i had an awesome star wars party (which i'm not sure if i mentioned before) and i'm filling up my schedule really quick. i guess it's true... "keep your schedule full. the less avaliable you are, the more people will want time with you" (actually, i wrote that in my so-far-20 steps to feeling better about yourself).
funny story. my brother came home with a huge hickey on his neck that looked more like leopracy than anything sexual. the girlfriend's parents freaked out and now my mom is screaming at her mom on the phone while my brother talks to the girlfriend/neck-sucker on his cell phone. my little brother is growing up! awww *tear. he is taller than me now tho. and he's built. i tell him not to take off his shirt in front of me...i keep hearing this voice in my head repeating "he's my brother he's my brother he's my BROTHER!!!" ya umm...maybe i shouldn't have shared that.
my diet sux, not sure when i'll be back on the food wagon. i'll keep you updated. woot.