Jul 21, 2004 10:56
I know, I know--I don't post much. Tough cookies. I could post more, but I make no promises. You're not the boss of me.
I have to work a lot of labs this week--a rather distasteful job. Not that I'm doing anything much different in a lab than at work, but there are two key differences:
1) there are no linux boxes in a lab. I am therefor not at home.
2) there is no remote possibility of me doing something constructive in a lab. At least in clark, I get to fiddle with netvault or some such, and convince myself that I am a productive member of society. Yes, I do lie to myself. No, I do not feel guilty.
So now, I'm just listening to Third Eye Blind. I was almost late this morning, so I didn't have time to plug the laptop back in to the network--if I had, I'd be getting all my files off of it. Productive, remember. Productive.
After today, tomorrow at the latest, I will no longer have a laptop. I have sold it, and with the money, I shall very soon endeavour to purchase parts for a new uber-computer, built from the ground up. 3 GHz P4 with hyperthreading, gigabit ethernet, 1 gig dual channel RAM, 200 gig hard drive, sweet video card, 800 MHz FSB, tricked out case with two or three fans, the whole freaking deal. Do you see what I mean? No--you don't. It's too fast. All you see is a blur. That smacking sound you hear, though, is my computer kicking another computer's @ss. It's probably yours.
Sorry, I had a moment there. You know the kind I mean...where a drunken midget runs up, smacks you in the face, and types something offensive on your keyboard and sends it to everyone on your buddy list, and it takes two and a half years, a bottle of vodka, 17 letters of apology, and 12 moderate bribes to various mafia leaders across the country to make things right again. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
I haven't eaten yet today. I wonder if the sushi in the ferg is any good today? Also, 12 hours of work every wednesday really honestly doesn't appeal to me. I wonder if I could set up a dartboard in each lab. It provides a convenient excuse for stabbing stupid people (which appear in abundance in computer labs--I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for this, like surface tension or something) in the eye. I swear I'm mostly sane. If anyone is, anyways.
No one is online. You suck, not-online people.
I have a cell phone now. I ahve entered the 21st century...or the 20th, at least.
There could be more later.