Skywalker Apartment [Tuesday evening]

Feb 16, 2010 13:16

Anakin, it should be noted, was not nervous about the potential disaster that might be walking to his door any minute now.

It was just a family dinner, all right? Leia, Jaina, and Ben.

And John and Tahiri.

And Rory and Juliet.

And five different galactic timelines to keep straight.

What's to worry about?

There was a ton of food and enough rum to blind a pirate drink. It would be a very pleasant evening.

And if he had to mindwhammy each and every one of them to have that happen, well, don't think it wasn't crossing his mind.

tahiri, wtfgrandpa, leia, one big happy family, rory, ben, juliet, jaina, john sheppard

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