OOC: Radio Voting!

Sep 12, 2006 09:36

It's time to choose the seven voices that will bring you the news (or should it be "news"?) of Fandom for the next semester.

All characters (townies, teachers, students) are allowed to vote, of course :)

The poll is open until noon tomorrow EDT.

Good luck to everyone!

Your choices are:

1. Artie: The Strongest Man...in the World!
2. Seely Booth
3. Joxer the Mighty
4. Dawn Summers & Belthazor
5. Hawkeye Pierce
6. Elliot Reid
7. Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin
8. Conner McKnight
9. Greg Sanders
10. Aly & Faithful
11. Jaye Tyler
12. Willow Rosenberg
13. Layla Williams
14. Eric Weiss

While Barbossa will still be around doing his call-in program, an entire year of coding has burned me out. He'll be on radio hiatus this semester (well, with the possible guest appearances) and back with a vengeance in January.

A huge thank you to everyone who tried out!

Poll Radio DJ Poll
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