Wed, 17:12: RT @ POTUS: For 36 years, Ron has been by my side in one way or another. On your last day: thank you, Ron, for your commitment to historic…
Wed, 18:19: RT @ POTUS: I’m sick and tired of companies breaking the law to keep workers from organizing. Pass the PRO Act because workers have a right…
Wed, 18:49: RT @ POTUS: Tune in as I discuss how my economic plan is creating good-paying, union jobs and delivering real results for the American peopl…
Wed, 19:39: RT @ POTUS: .@ KingJames, congratulations. You broke a hallowed record and elevated the game forever. Keep it going and keep the faith. htt…
Wed, 20:27: RT @ Twitter: more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more words more…
Wed, 20:30: RT @ POTUS: Last night, when I reported that the state of our union is strong because the people of this nation are strong, I was talking ab…
Thu, 00:15: RT @ POTUS: Ava’s father, Maurice, says: you need a lot of things to beat cancer. But the first thing you really need is hope. That’s what…
Thu, 00:30: RT @ POTUS: I'm proposing new standards to require that construction materials used in federal infrastructure projects be made in America.
Thu, 01:30: RT @ alexandraandnyc: JPMorgan quietly cut jobs today, insiders say, in what appears to be annual cull. # of workers let go/which divisions…
Thu, 01:32: RT @ POTUS: I know how unfair it feels when a company overcharges you and thinks it can get away with it. I’m calling on Congress to pass…
Thu, 03:34: RT @ POTUS: Our national debt has accumulated for 200 years. We've never missed a payment. Why in God’s name would some Republicans in Con…
Thu, 03:34: RT @ alexandraandnyc: ate so many gummy vitamins just now I might need to get my stomach pumped tonight