Jun 06, 2010 23:18
REALLY fed up with the scavengar hunt now. Technically after the first 24 hours I kind of stopped giving a damn. I only keep going because Holz really wants to get first or third place for the pendants...
*sighs* As long as I get in the top 8 I honestly don't care. The item prizes I want are the latter ones in any case. I mean, sure being able to breed anything I want every few months would be awesome, but after the 5 breedings I want to do I'd mostly only sell the coins :|
Sure, good profit but a waste of a prize =/ To me a prize should be used BY YOU, not sold off.
Right now I'd say we're about 4-6th place. I'm happy with that.
The cash prizes are all well and good but... we aren't going to get the high ones. I know that. I'd love to have 100GP - I need the freaking GP for my customs. If I got that I'd have enough for them all.
I mean ALL. I would be able to - within... a month? - do all 12 customs. Sure I don't have the art for half of them but it's all a gradual process. I'll eventually have the BP and GP for it all and I'll be proud that I made it all. It's going to happen it's just sooner or later.
So we're not going to get a trophy, or the custom hunt only pets from this? It happens twice a year so we'll have plenty of chances - as long as all the complaining doesn't fuck that for us.
Oh, I've complained my fair share. I don't like that you need to put a LOT of money into the site to do a lot of the tasks. I don't like needing to spend real money on offline tasks for an online prize.
I don't have real money. Heck, I'm poor by game standards too.
Then there's the dispute over word count. If you expect a certain word count then PUT IT IN THE TASK, don't wait for most of us to do it and when someone checks go, "At least [this amount]" which blows everyone who has already researched and done that task within what every website says is the base limit.
1k words on a process that "in real life takes half a second" is hard enough without you telling us it now needs to be 5k.
Don't get me wrong, the hunt has been fun. I've enjoyed my part in it. I just hate feeling like I'm letting my team down because I'm struggling with a good number of tasks.
I mean, technically I've done more than my share. I did most of them within the first 24 hours too. A team of 10 with 200 tasks to do is 20 tasks each.
Our team for over half the hunt has only had 8 actively working members. That's 25 tasks. I've done 23 or 24 - I can't remember. That's decent I think.
We have a new member now, that's 9. 22.22 recurring tasks each. I'm covered there then. New person seems to be doing sweet FA like the two we kicked out yesterday.
Just urgh. If Holly wasn't so determined I wouldn't feel so shit over this =(