Apr 24, 2007 23:49
Naked beach party was AWESOME.
Everyone that didn't come missed out on an awesome time! There was alcohol, nakedness, and great music, if I do say so myself. And Axel being scary with the bonfire, but at least it makes him happy. Met some new people, hopefully made myself some new friends as well!
Sorry I didn't update sooner than this. I was moving my stuff back home. Not that there's much of it with all the clothing gone, but I had to get resettled in my place. Yeah, I'm out of hiding. Hopefully won't have to go back anytime soon. >.>;
Oh! Forgot to mention this! I got a job! At the music store! Duo lent me some money, so I went to go find out about getting some strings and what can I say? They just have good taste! Hired me almost instantly!
So yeah, I've got a job now! This is good, I was running out of money... But now I can get discounts!
It's been a good naked week.
naked party