Oct 15, 2009 20:32
Just found out that a job that Tim had been pinning his hopes on isn't going to go through. He's been unemployed for a month and that was the only thing even vaguely resembling a nibble. I'm really really getting discouraged and his attitude is just like it's no big deal. Yeah, he knows a lot of people around here, but none of them seem to be giving him a job so that's not very helpful. He's also been promising to do all kinds of things like clean the bathroom, finish painting the ceiling and clean out the garage so we can actually park there. He has done none of this. He does dishes sometimes and that's it. He doesn't have a job and that's all he does and it's not like he's playing with the kids all day. They just watch tv while he's on the computer.
I'm just so frustrated. At least Jack has been peeing on the toilet. That's going well, only a couple of accidents in the last week. I just wish he'd poop in the toilet too. Not sure what to do about that.