When I said I would make Narnia icons...I totally ment Will Moseley icons. Really. Please ignore my previous statement...
Eheh. (V_V);;
Amazingly, only ONE Neji icon! GASP! A few variations and stuff...yeah.
// COMMENT & CREDIT PLZ. (Although I AM lenient on the latter, doesn't mean I don't appreciate it!)
// Don't hotlink, I'm on photobucket.
// Don't be a general asshole.
[2] Nana
- Nana
- Tseng
- Elena and Tseng (not shippy)
[3] Naruto
- Neji
- Kakashi and Naruto (NOT shippy)
[1] Narnia - caps from
rainbow_booger- Peter
[6] William Moseley - scans from
thephotobox Will's face amuses me sometimes. The first two so say "Why yes, I am a sexy beast!"
...He's not Jailbait, either! =D