Atheists Can Be Bigots, Too

Aug 14, 2005 03:41

I'm slee-py. My calico kitty is sleeping on my couch with her white belly-fur up, and she makes these part-snoring grunting sounds when she sleeps. It's so cute.
The asshole who wrote the God Test on OKCupid wrote back to me. He has an ignorant, completely condescending attitude toward anything and anyone spiritual. I'd say he's the kind of atheist who's just as bad as any fundamentalist Christian. "If you don't believe exactly what I believe, then you're just like those Fundies," is what he's basically saying. He says, "You seem to call forces and relationships that can be scientifically observed and measured 'God', and at the same time you seem to tack on this idea of God to the big bang and consider that an explanation for our lack of understanding about its cause." Yes, that's me. "Tacking on" spiritual ideas without giving them good thought. My spirituality brought me out of a suicidal depression. Without it, I'd either be dead, or completely miserable. Unlike born-agains, I don't claim to have been "saved" by my spirituality; I saved myself by creating this spirituality. My spirituality is not based on facts; it's based on feelings, and I don't claim to be correct. I don't claim that ANYTHING proves the existence of god or the lack thereof. But spiritually-dead boy doesn't understand that, because his mind is too filled with bigotry to have room for anything else. My philosophy is what is my moral backbone, and THAT'S based in fact. Evolution doesn't prove god or whatever force exists; it only proves it to ME. The Big Bang doesn't either, except to me. If there were unmistakable evidence that there is no god, (which is impossible to prove and never will be proved regardless of whether or not a god exists), then I'd be like, okay, there's no god. I'm not shocked. And if there were evidence (once again, probably impossible) that god did exist, I'd be equally unimpressed. The point isn't whether or not I believe or anyone else believes a god or supernatural entity or force exists. The point is what we do with our lives, how we treat others, and how we treat ourselves. Too many people, atheist and not, are so caught up in proving they're right about the existence of god, that they don't do what's actually necessary. By the way, atheist-boy, I never said that god explained our LACK of understanding about the Big Bang. I said god explained what we DO understand about the Big Bang. Fuck-wad. People like him are why we're not going anywhere. We're both anti-Bush, anti-organized religion, but he's to obsessed with sneering at people he has so much in common with to actually communicate and not alienate them, and get to driving Bush out.

imagination knowledge

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