Aug 11, 2005 01:55
Things are looking up! As my dad used to say, "What made the sad man happy and the happy man sad? The knowledge that this too shall pass." Then, being the ten-year-old feminist that I was, I said, "Why can't it be a woman?" And then I told it to people to cheer them up like I was being awfully wise or something.
Anyway, I just found out that this co-op job I've been looking at in New Jersey has free room, board and a stipend! Absolutely perfect for what I need! That way, I can see Max on the weekends, but still be independent and having my own job. Oh, how I wish my job were in NYC and HIS were in NJ... oh, well.
I met this dude who wrote to me after reading my blog, to say he really appreciates what I said about environmentalists being classest. I've been wanting to have that kind of conversation with someone like that for a while, and it turns out we have a lot in common. We're both incredibly intense, for example, and apparently both of us have noticed self-destructive behavior in our romantic lives. We're so similar, it's weird...but cool. But I shouldn't let him encourage me to stay on my intense path. I need to learn to take care of myself better, and not be so intense.
Speaking of intense, there was this kid (well, 17 is a kid) who I used to talk to on IM and we would get into these intense arguments where he'd assume I was insulting him when I wasn't, and vise versa. We were eerily similar, too, but I think he was a bit more cruel. Anyway, one time he IMed me when I was just about to put the computer to sleep, so I just ignored him and put it to sleep anyway, which, being too smart for his own good, he noticed, and seemed to take very personally. So the next time I tried to IM him, because I saw him online, two seconds later he wasn't online. That whole passive-aggressive thing is really starting to get to me. It's only cool when I do it. I'm pretty sure he's mad at me, and I want to explain I wasn't trying to avoid him, but I also don't really want to start up a long conversation with him, because it always ends badly. I need to start finding friends in the physical plane of existence! Like in the good old days when they didn't have computers, and you had to LOOK for people to hang out with.
growing up,
look! the blue kitty is hopping!