Awkward Moments, Pt. 1

Nov 22, 2007 02:22

1. My mother was trying to explain to me how to get around downtown Berkeley, CA. I snorted, and said, "I know my way around Berkeley!" ...and promptly walked into a pole.

2. I was standing in line, but realised I forgot something and had to get out of line. So I turned around, only to see this guy I had a huge crush on right behind me. I froze (incredibly awkwardly), almost walked into a column, and then tripped over it instead.

3. I have gotten so used to tripping over/spilling/breaking things around guys that I like, that I just shrug it off like it's normal. is normal for me.

4. In yoga class, I hadn't eaten recently enough, and my stomach did this blurpy-growl thing when I moved in certain ways. I had to keep from laughing, and then apologise after class for my loud stomach.

5. I called a friend, forgot which friend I was calling, and when someone picked up the phone, I said, "Hello, is (insert wrong name) there?"

6. I tried to convince my parents that I didn't need to take English class in the eighth grade. They said I needed to learn grammar, and I said, "No I don't! I speak very well English."

7. I took a test to get into an Honors Geometry class in high school. In California, there’s something called a 504 Plan, which is for learning disabilities; you get more time on tests, etc. I handed my test in to the teacher, he graded it right then, and said, “you were one question away from not passing. Maybe you need more time on tests.” Irritated, I said, “I’m not dyslexic! I don’t need a 405 Plan!”

I'm a walking contradiction...partly fact and partly fiction...

growing up, awkward

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