Horrible New Zealand Pop and Muzak

Oct 12, 2007 17:11

I just heard possibly the most embarrassingly horrible song ever recorded: “Dance Around the World,” by Blerta. I was disappointed when I couldn’t find the lyrics online, but I did find out what the song was called, and the name of the talentless band who sang it.

I was on hold for the Inland Revenue Department (IRD, the IRS for New Zealand), and they were playing that song. I was like, “what the fuck is this? And what evil bastard chose to have this in the song list for poor, unsuspecting customers being put on hold? Whatever happened to Muzak?” But then again, it was far more amusing than Muzak, so maybe it was better.

So mid-Google, someone picked up the phone, and said, “Inland Revenue, how may I help you?” And I was thrust back into the world of reality and seriousity. I realise the word is “seriousness,” but that’s not nearly as fun.

At least now, when I write a poem, I no longer have to worry about it being the worst poem in the world. Someone has already written one that earns first place in that respect.
I have three 4,000-word essays due, and three exams, within the next two weeks. Better get crack-el-ack-in’.

No matter how many "p"s I put here, it won't separate my journal entries enough from the tags that follow. It's all very anti-climactic.

music, horrible music, school

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