Here is a profile of some of my friends, so people reading this journal have some idea who I'm talking about. If you happen to be one of these friends and believe that I have misrepresented you, please feel free to contact me, although I doubt I'm wrong, because I'm psychic. Oh, and don't be offended if you aren't "A", because they're in no particular order. If you are okay with me using your real name here, tell me.
A is very sweet and considerate. I was sitting at a table with other friends and started moping about Max and a new guy, and A popped up (she didn't know me at this point) and started giving me advise. It seemed she may have been the only one listening. "It sounds to me that you're not ready for another relationship," she said insightfully. This amused me to no end, and I decided I liked her.
B is A's boyfriend. He's also very sweet, but in a much more introverted way. He also seems to care about how I'm doing. He's fluent in French, but he's NICE about it. He's an SGS major (economics, I believe), and we talk about international relations. Fun times.
C is, first and foremost, a Scorpio. Dear God. She's always messing with me, but in a friendly way. She loves to make everything look like she's hitting on you. She's a bio major, and works a shitty job at Waffle House (I commend her for her strength and bravery dealing with asshole drunks and would never, EVER fuck with her).
D is my doppelganger. 'Nuff said. Oh, and he's a Pinko, but that should be a given. He likes to say, "Sandy, you're so Goth." Heh-heh, I didn't even realize, "D" for doppelganger. Oh, wait, it's not funny? Fuck you.
E is a cool guy who used to be a Fundie but now is an atheist Libertarian. He is, so far, the only Libertarian whose presence I can stand, because he's actually (shock!) compassionate. And he hates Ayn Rand. Go E!
F is no longer a student at Antioch; he now works in housing. He was a philosophy major, and is an avid Taoist, which is awesome. He likes random weird shit from the internet like He and some other friends at my table sometimes randomly burst into song, usually strange parodies.
G is somewhat quiet. She's an anarchist (coolness), and she also speaks French. I think she's a philosophy major, too.
H is my RA, and a CSI fan. He also works in the ASC--wow, lots of acronyms in there. He's really sweet.
(I'm skipping I, because that would be confusing in a sentence: I and I went to the supermarket....)
J is the RA for the second floor of my building. She loves to say, "I love you" to people, which always makes my day. Oh, like D, J also says, "Sandy, you're so Goth," which I find hilarious. I can't imagine where they're getting that from. And now, back to my emo poetry....
Those are the kids I hang out with at lunch. I shall expand on this shortly.
Mary--I am at liberty to say her name here. She's my closest friend right now. She's also sort of friends with Max, through me. And she's in Poland now. Waaaah! =( Oh yeah, she's a cool Socialist.
And now back to my god damn mother-fucking Senior Project.