New Congress Begins with New Opportunities to Help Horses.

Jan 18, 2007 21:06

New Congress Begins with New Opportunities
to Help Horses
Legislators Must Act Quickly on Reintroduced Bills

January 17, 2007

Dear Humanitarian:

American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act Reintroduced

Following tremendous momentum on the movement to ban horse slaughter
achieved in the House last session, the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act
(AHSPA) has been reintroduced in both chambers of the new 110th Congress.

Giving the House a chance to renew its support for the only legislation that
will ban all horse slaughter for human consumption in the United States and
the transport of horses abroad to meet the same fate, Representative Janice
Schakowsky (D-IL), Representative Ed Whitfield (R-KY), Representative Nick
Rahall (D-WV) and Representative John Spratt (D-SC) have again introduced the
bill as H.R. 503. Additionally, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Senator and
veterinarian John Ensign (R-NV) have reintroduced the AHSPA in the Senate (the
bill number will be posted on the SAPL website when it becomes available),
with the support of many of their colleagues from both parties. Last summer,
the House approved the AHSPA overwhelmingly, but the session ended before the
Senate could vote on the measure.

The AHSPA sponsors have worked tirelessly toward the bill's enactment and
are moving quickly to ensure it receives a vote as soon as possible. The
overwhelming majority of Members of Congress have consistently demonstrated strong,
bipartisan support for putting an end to the cruel horse slaughter industry
in our country. In fact, legislators have voted five times on measures to end
the slaughter of wild and domestic horses.

Just last year, over 100,000 American horses were killed in the three
remaining foreign-owned US slaughterhouses and shipped abroad to Europe and Japan
for human consumption. Every week Congress fails to act on this important
bill means that thousands of American horses will continue to suffer terribly.

Chairman of House Natural Resources Committee Steps up for Wild Horses

In addition, we are pushing for a vote on a bill to stop the commercial
exploitation and slaughter of wild horses. House Natural Resources Committee
Chairman Rahall and Representative Whitfield have reintroduced H.R. 249 – first
considered in the last session – to repeal the 2004 “Burns rider” and restore
the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act to its original language.

The American public and over 500 organizations from the humane community, a
majority of horse industry organizations and veterinarians all back support
our effort to end to the slaughter of America’s horses. We will continue to
fight for horses until they are all protected.


Please call, fax or email your Representative and both Senators today,
urging their co-sponsorship of the AHSPA (H.R. 503/Senate bill number to be
announced soon). Ask your Representative to co-sponsor H.R. 249 at the same time.

To find your legislators, please visit _www.compassioninde x.org_
( tn.jsp?t= me9ss8bab. 0.0.7lzn5wn6. 0&p=http: //www.compassion .
For facts and additional information on both bills to include in your calls and
letters, please visit _www.saplonline. org/horses. htm_
( tn.jsp?t= me9ss8bab. 0.0.7lzn5wn6. 0&p=http: //www.saplonline .org/horses. htm) .

Additionally, please share this eAlert with family, friends and co-workers,
and encourage them to contact their Representatives, too. As always, thank
you very much for your help!

Cathy Liss
Legislative Director


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