Apr 23, 2008 13:30
I spent the night at AC's last night.
I love her house. I know a lot of people - including me, occasionally - bitch about it being way out the hell in the middle of nowhere, but sometimes, that's nice.
We watched Secretary. Maggie Gyllenhall rules. Can I have been born into that family, plzkthnx? MTV Made: I Want To Be A Gyllenhall.
I somehow managed to wrench my back and my neck in Advanced Voice. It's kind of hard for me to move my right shoulder or to move my head to the right at all. This could pose a problem a few hours from now, because I have to present my verb in Sean's class today. I was practicing it earlier, and I'm fine with expressive and repressive and exaggerated. It's explosive I have a problem with. It just jars my neck.
So I'll pop some Advil and pray I'm better by 3:30. If not, I'll see if Sean will let me go Monday.
I've been very sad lately for no discernable reason at all. Ah, well. Stick it out 'til the summer. Just stick it out 'til then.