So! Callbacks last night.
Ten guys, ten girls. Guy-wise, we've got the new grad Adam, Josh, Amin, Mason, Chris Marroy, Chris Schodlbauer, Aaron, Caleb's ex-boyfriend, Trent, and a guy from the music department. Girl-wise, there was me, Elise, Courtney Brown, Courtney Sussman, Lauren, Wumi, Alex, and three girls from the music department.
We sang some of the harmonies from "Flying Home." Then the guys sang. And then we danced. And then Robin let eight people go. Why, I don't know. It confuses me, because she let some of the most talented people leave early.
The rest of us sang a bit by ourselves (part of the opening: "you try to be clear, you try to stand tall..."), then she put us into small groups to sing harmonies again. And that was that.
The list goes up by Friday at ten AM, and since I'm not called back for anything else (to be fair, my monologue kind of sucked, since I focused on my song so much), this is my shot.
I hope to God I get in this show. It'll break my heart if I've waited seven years to sing this stuff, and all I can do is sit and watch other people do it.
RAW Music and all plot bunnies for ATU fics have been put on hold until this semester is over. :3
On a lighter note, I turned in my thesis proposal! NO MORE SHIT TO TURN IN FOR PROSPECTUS, WOO!
Oh, yeah, evals. I forgot. BFA evals were fun. Monica told me she'd like me to choose a sweet, feminine monologue next time, so I will. Sean complimented my Danny and the Deep Blue Sea scene, the one I did for his intermediate acting class. Robin complimented my dialect work. They gave me a couple of tips on how to make my resume more legible, and that was about it.
Clown makeup in Essay's class. I picked a Cirque du Soleil clown, more specifically,
this one. Don't worry,
tigerlily34, it doesn't look very clowny. He's a fire spirit named Yao from the show Dralion. Pics will be posted when I get them.
Essay hasn't been posting our class pictures lately, so expect a big pic dump of famous people and clowns and animals and aliens. :D
And now I'm a-gonna play TS2, because Thomas has stolen the PS2 to play the Arc the Lad game that
rjenyawd gave me. ^^
LOVE! And break a leg tonight,
timbre2005 and any and all others who are called back.