On a much less disturbing note, here are the answers to the other music meme.
6. "Innocence, it don't come easy/In a sense, it never will/Accidents mean no one's guilty/Ignorange means someone's killed." - "Counting Down The Hours," Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
8. "My name, it ain't nothin'/My age, it means less/The country I come from/Is called the Midwest." - "With God On Our Side," Bob Dylan
9. "Sometimes, I feel/Like I am drunk behind the wheel/The wheel of possibility/However it may roll." - "Out Of My Head," Fastball
10. "Childhood livin'/It's easy to do/The things you wanted/I brought them for you." - "Wild Horses," Camp version
11. "Standing in line, marking time, waiting for the welfare dime/'Cause they can't buy a job." - "The Way It Is," Bruce Hornsby and the Range
Godspell is pretty awesome. Patrick Cragin is playing Jesus, and Brian Rosenberg is John the Baptist. I'm singing "Turn Back, O Man," which makes me happy.
schizophrenic0 gets to sing "Day By Day" with Heather, Rachel and Katie Peck sing "By My Side," Casi Landix sings "O Bless The Lord My Soul," Ryan Nocito has "We Beseech Thee..." And I can't remember many of the other ones. I'll get back to you.
Rehearsal yesterday was spent goofing off with Rachel, Casi, and Josh Nuss. It was followed by a mass outing to Sonic, which lasted two hours and consisted mainly of Rachel, Jessie, and Josh bringing me up to date on Scott-show traditions. Though I did discuss opera, the Tonys, and various Broadway stars with Josh and Alan Payne for a while.
This is going to be SO much fun.
'Cause we're not here to harm you
Or make you feel ashamed
You can make mistakes here
And you won't be blamed
So show us how to help you
And if we pull you through
Then we will find a home for you