these voices....

Oct 04, 2003 12:00

well. homelife isn't so bad, i have to say. actually, and don't quote me on this, i rather like it. my dad fries some mean eggs&bacon and my ma makes a mean pot of coffee. the animals are cute. they have cable. aside from the metro-to-work thing (takes an hour, ugh), it's just dandy. i do feel a bit bad for calling my ex names in that entry a few days ago. i'm not even sure if the thing about his head-shape is true, and in any event dissing people on their physical features is an immature low-blow. makes me look worse than him, etc. i know he punched the fist-dent in my wall because i have a fuzzy picture in my head of him punching it and me getting pissed and demanding to know if he'd made a hole, and him patting it and saying with chagrine that no, he hadn't. i mentioned it to a friend of mine who said she remembered me complaiing to her about it. she said she didn't remember me saying he'd made a hole, only that he'd punched my wall. which fits perfectly with the story anyway. maybe he doesn't remember this, maybe he's a lier. in any case, aside from the fact that i'll lose a lot of money over it (or actually, won't get BACK a lot of money for it), i mostly feel sorry for him. so hopefully, ideally, i'd like to think he's learned from all those awful scenes...although since he still won't/can't (?) take responsibility i'm not too sure he has. whatever. thus ends the saga. catherine has canceled for tonight so it looks like it's just me and the fuzzies. although i'd like to have some human contact apart from my parents, this actually doens't bother me that much. something's changing in me....i don't mind being alone anymore. ok, i mean i do sometimes, but not at all to the extent i used to. i think this is a good thing. soooo, i'm off to do laundry and unpack and all that (un)fun stuff.
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