Sep 09, 2003 12:21
so, ok, at work i have a vast amount of microbial info at my fingertips. today i'm reading a text on the clinical management of UTI's (read urinary tract infections).
ladies, listen up cause most of you will get one of these if you haven't already. they're none too pleasant.
1. everyone knows, piss after you fuck. yeah yeah yeah. it's true tho. it helps ward off infection/wash out bacteria that may have entered yr urethra.
2. wearing COTTON PANTIES also helps ward off infection.
3. drinkin the cran juice, wiping towards your bottom when you poo-poo? no clinical findings support that these things are at all related to UTI's or lack thereof. still, since like 90% of UTI's are caused by the E. coli bacteria (which comes from your ANUS! transmitted by what's referred to as "fecal flora"!!!), wiping 'away' is still a swell idea.
4. along that line, if yr sensitive to UTI's a good idea is to clean that ass before you fuck. that's because, in addition to the note above, E. coli UTI's are almost always associated with fuckin. so clean up. and clean yr partner too. clean yr pussy while yr at it. why not?
5. E. coli vaginal colonization is higher following vaginal hysterectomy (not really relevant) as well as during the early part of the menstrual cycle. has to do with estrogen levels (higher levels = more E. coli. don't ask me why).
7. using diaphragms (and nonoxyl-9) are associated with higher levels of UTI's. there's also an association between condom-spermicide use and UTI's, but it's not as strong as the diaphragm-spermicide method.
6. the other most common strain of UTI bacteria is Staphylococcus saprophyticus. so don't think cause you gota clean butt yr safe. yr urethra is just dyin to get dosed.
mmmmm, i'm horny. i'll write more later if anything interesting arises.