Ladies and Gentleman, the Spring '09 semester is over and can suck it.
First, my brag/horror, which many of you have heard and/or are sick of hearing - my final page count for the semester: Papers and Essays - forty two (42) pages; Yoga Journal - FIFTY ONE (51) pages. Reading, the ten page paper I didn't do, my all-essays-all-the-time midterms, finals and misc. homework not included. I'm not entirely sure whether I should no longer fear the senior thesis since I'll be writing less for that, or if I'm now completely terrified because I saw what this semester did to my brain. I will kick most peoples' asses at writing, but I'll do it really, really slowly. Deadlines are not my friend.
The last day of school, however, was hysterical. During my first final, I got to use the word "cuckolding" in an essay. During my second class, where the final was replaced by presentations, a student got into a fight with the teacher on the break. Here's what happened: Student was bitching when he first got in to class about how the professor is always pushing him to clarify what he says, but he was pissed because he interprets this as her calling him dumb, and his grades reflect the fact that he doesn't go out of his way to explain the points he makes. He stopped as soon as she walked in. He's a nice guy, but he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, nor does he observe the code of conduct the professor wants to maintain in the classroom (not calling her "yo, dude," etc. She's a cool lady, but young and nice, so I can understand why she wants to keep things slightly more formal). So we did the first two rounds of presentations, and this guy was one of the last to present. During the question & answer period after his panel presented, he was cut short due to time constraints and the professor said he could discuss his rebuttal to her over the break. So he tells her and she presses him to explain his point and he starts getting upset: "you always do this, what the hell, I swear, you're greading me unfairly," etc. The professor tells him they'll discuss it after class and he starts really yelling: "NO, I KNOW I am not this dumb, blah blah blah," and the teacher takes him into the hallway. I could hear him yelling in the hallway but couldn't make out what they were saying.
He was standing right behind me and she in front for the entire in-class portion of the fight. It was so hard not to laugh. As soon as they "took it outside," I was cackling hysterically.
To her credit, the professor was apparently unfazed by this exchange when she came back in. I realized a short time before that although her children are very young still, she is a Jewish Mother. So she was probably trying not to laugh, too.
(I realized this very important fact because when I emailed her to let her know I wasn't writing my paper and why, she emailed back with an "I understand, but I'm very disappointed" type response, and I instantly guilt-tripped for about a day afterward. After being so happy I had finally decided to not do the paper! I'm very not susceptable to guilt trips, it takes a lot. The jewish thing became relavent at some point because the class was a history seminar in identity.)
Furthermore, these presentations were on the 10 page reserach papers we were assigned and which I didn't do. I researched a little bit, but after the other writing, I didn't have a whole 'nother paper in me, so I just presented on the limited research I did, rocked it, and went over my presentation time. 'Cause I rule.
Then I went home and convinced my mom to bring me a bottle of wine on her way home from work.
While I was waiting for my wine, I discussed with my mom and Angela on gmail chat the brilliant idea I got from Trent Reznor on Twitter that I should rescue a greyhound. For some reason my mom loves this idea and is completely supportive. Which is actually not good, because once the summer ends I really won't have time for a dog, especially one that might require a little extra love and smushing during the beginning of its new life (you know, from living in cramped kennels with little human contact or possibly abuse).
But. But! DOGGY!!!
This is a tiny baby greyhound running as fast as it can go! Look how happy it is!
And this one matches Bela!
(It is important I get a dog that matches Bela.)
It was Cinco de Mayo as well, and my mom had invited my uncle over for Italian takeout (I know, I know...), so I had some Dos Equis, an ENORMOUS plate of really good spaghetti (Pomodoro?) and a coffee mug full of wine, and promptly passed out for three hours. I only slept three hours before my last day, did I mention that? 'Cause I did. For the last couple months of the semester, I was working on somewhere between three and five hours of sleep a night.
I also gave Bela an olive off of my uncle's plate, and he loved it.
Somewhere in there, I got an email from work asking if I could work the next afternoon because the usual afternoon girl in Manahawkin was sick, so I ended up working three extra half days between the last day of school and my usual weekend hours. I can't complain about extra hours, but I'm glad she'll be back in on Monday so the important business of laziness can commence in earnest.
(While I was working all these extra hours, a cop came into work to talk to an agent about one of his clients and eventually, through the agent, let it be known he was interested in perhaps talking to me more and it would probably be pretty cool if I called his cell number which I took down for the agent while he was in the office. I don't know if it would really be a good idea for me to date a cop, but it would probably be funny, and of the three guys who've asked me out this semester [as opposed to the none that have asked me out over the past 2903857398 years], he's at the top of the "maybe" pile.)
Not really laziness, I have plenty to do. I have piles and piles of fictional books to read, movies to watch, Belas to feed vegetables to....After my side of the house is painted (which was supposed to have started already and now I don't know if it will be completed in time for the party...) I have decorating to do, which is especially exciting.
Speaking of decorating, I got a call from the school the other day that my summer bill was due and they hadn't received payment yet. This seemed unusual because througout all of my many years at OCC, I just automatically got extra grants after I signed up for summer classes, but Stockton does not do this, somehow? So I had to take out a subsidized loan to cover my tuition for the summer. I had $5,500 available to borrow and a bill of a bit over $2,400. So I decided to take out the whole amount I was eligible for. Now I have $3,000 to decorate my house and play with. I also plan on getting a haircut, buying more yoga and going to Germany.
Here's another story about thousands of dollars of extra money in my bank account:
On 1 May, there was a deposit to my checking account for a little over $2,600, just out of nowhere. It took all of my moral reserve to call the bank and tell them there was a mystery deposit and are they sure it was supposed to be in there, because I didn't make it and none of my relatives mentioned anything about randomly giving me $2,600. He looked at the deposit copy and said it was an error and made a withdrawal from my account, which immediately showed on the online statement. The next day, the withdrawal was gone and the deposit was still there. It remains in my bank account, making me nervous, and I don't have it in me to call them again. I say, after a month I get to keep it, like the Lost & Found, but I'll probably feel too bad and call the bank again.
Final thoughts:
- Please remember that my party is on the 22nd, all day, show up whenever. I apologise for the Memorial Day Weekend thing. I didn't realise until it was too late. But there's plenty of floor (recently shampooed) and couch space to sleep if you want to stay over. My mom doesn't like the idea of activities involving fire (I knew I shouldn't have invited her) and said the only fire allowed at my party is in the grill. I feel this is the sort of rule we follow the letter of and not the spirit. This could make my "fire" themed activitiy so much more funner. AND that's the day I arbitrarily chose to be Bela's birthday, so you don't want to miss that, do you?
- I can't wait until my house is decorated and I have an office I can craft in with Jenn, Melissa and anyone who might want to craft with us (hmmmmmm?)!
- It's summer and I can sleep in and read fictional books and sit around for the next 1.5 months!
- I'm forgetting at least two things, and leaving out one on purpose. Check back for edits.
While working one of the extra shifts I picked up in Manahawkin, the broker/an agent at that office was asking how the new house was going and told me that in her work as an agent selling houses in her old folks' development, she often comes across furniture and appliances that need to be given away, because their HOA doesn't allow yard sales. I gave her my cell number and she said she'd call me if she comes across any free stuff I can have. !.
My mom is getting eight grand back from Obama for buying a house, so we're getting the bamboo floors before we thought we would. In exchange for getting a Japanese-rice-paper-but-not-really sliding closet door to block my living room from the kitchen instead of a solid one (she wants to let light in or some bullshit. I am not thrilled, I had better plans), I am getting the distressed walnut finish floors I wanted and she said before she wouldn't get me. I hope I get
this one, the
Home Depot brand isn't as nice.