The day after we got to Maricopa, yesterday, my oldest brother Chris came over with his daughter and dog. Daughter is Layah, after Princess Leia in Star Wars, dog is Charlie, he is a rescue dog who would have otherwise been, apparently, a street dog in Mexico. You can see it when you look at him too, but he’s so cute and happy and he’s like "haha other Mexicans, I’m doing way fuckin better than you!" and stuff. So I hung out with them and Robin and my dad and stepmom all day and bonded with my neice - I never met her before, it was exciting. She totally wants to play with me all day and stuff. I’m so awesome.
Robin and I left the ‘rents and went back to Chris and his wife Andrea’s apartment and have been hanging out here for all of last night and today and are leaving in the morning. I don’t actually have wifi here so I’m writing this on 10 November around quarter after ten, or midnight where you are, but you’ll be reading it at a later time.
Layah’s first day of day care was today, so the brothers and Andrea and their friends Steve and Kelly and I all went to Mill Street, which is the main cool-kids street in Tempe, where they live - like South Street or 6th street in Tejas. We looked in some cool shops and had lunch in a restaurant that was all open to the street in the front for lunch. The name of the place escapes me, but I had a really good veggie wrap and steak fries.
I’ve been forced to go to bad restaurants since we got to Arizona up ‘til today and I was happy to actually go to a good one. I was lamenting to Andrea earlier in the evening about my lack of cooking implements here, since I didn’t have room to bring them. I also showed her pictures of Bela on my phone.
Several of my keys are now sticking because Layah loves to play with my laptop. Also my purse. Purse is the best game ever - she’s two, by the way - what happens is, you take everything out of the purse first, then you point to the various things that came out and say what they are, then you put everything back in the purse and you close it. Then you struggle to open it for a while and once you finally get it open, you repeat. I have to take the sharp things before she can get them and eventually we played so much she was just handing over the Swiss army knife when she’d pull that one out. When she talks, you can get about 50% of it. She seems very tall for a two year old; her birthday was only four months ago. She never stops doing things until she goes to sleep, but she is extremely polite and she’s freaking adorable.
I’ve just been chilling basically since I got here and today I finally finished the last two paragraphs on my resume so I can begin job hunting for real tomorrow. I also looked in the free paper in Tempe, the New Times, at the wanted ads and found four that I will definitely be calling bright and early. One is for bartender, no experience needed, another is for something for the
Human Rights Campaign, one is for a warehouse worker for "Slipknot." This ad runs every week as a warehouse employee for either Slipknot or Fiddy Cent, but it’s really for some sort of lame company’s warehouse. I have to call them, come on. The last, and most awesomest by far is for assistant Karate Instructor. No experience necessary, free training provided in like, jiu jitsu and various weapons. What the fuck? Is it true? Clearly, I must investigate.
I’ll also look for secretary jobs on craigslist, because I saw lots when I looked when I was still in NJ. I have a really nice letter from my job at Re/Max which I left at home and had to get my mom to dig out and mail to me. Oops. She was sending me my mail anyway. I neglected to read the instructions on the mail forward thingie and it said you are supposed to do it two weeks ahead of time. I had the information, but I mailed it the day before I left instead.
Blogging is sort of like Radio for Journals.
Robin went to look at a school for video production today.
I met lots of other friends of my Chris’ and almost all live in his apartment complex. It’s a pretty sweet place with mostly college kids and young families, and the apartment itself is pretty nice, too.
It was probably at least 75 degrees here today, but much colder in the shade, the dry air doesn’t conduct the heat very well, ya know.
I think that’s all for now, I have hanging out to do and those are the words I can make be typed.
Tempe is a pretty sweet town.
The end.
Edit, from posting time, aka now: Left messages at all of the prospective jobs from the paper. Karate told me to call back, I left a message for bartending, there was also and art distribution job which said the phone number was no longer in service, and the HRC job turned out to be for some kind of environmental stuff. Left a message with the "Slipknot" job. I also cleaned up a ton of dog pee from all around my laundry pile when I got home from Chris' house. Great.
After I get cleaned up or something I'm going to look online for jobs and email resumes.