Mar 08, 2006 03:06
Watched a British documentary with a tautological title, Tupac: Hip Hop Genius. Why the 'hip hop' qualification? Anyway, aside from the usual accomplishments like first rapper to release a double album, first to release an album while incarcerated, etc.. I learned that Tupac used to write his lyrics down and then go straight to record them, but that they never contained spelling errors, or any cross outs. Now, who is this reminiscent of? Mozart of course, who would write the music out without corrections, because he had it all worked out and revised in his head prior.
Badlands - Martin Sheen is really good. Fucking Malick, why doesn't he make more movies? As usual with him, he makes some lush-ass landscapes, and morally ambiguous characters. Sheen ends up notorious, but you never once feel like he's Evil. Reminded me of Days of Heaven.
California Split - Altman is hit or miss. For every piece of absolute cinematic genius like The Player, he makes some other piece of shit like Dr. T and the Women or something. California Split is one of the good ones. In the commentary, we find that he's quite the gambler also. What a guy.
What's up with iLife taking up 7.5GB? Sad thing is I'll probably only use iPhoto. There is no really good free alternative to manage a shitload of pictures though, unless you want to go all web based, which is lame. And I get to play with iWeb! I'm sure it sucks ass.