Nate Archibald

Apr 02, 2009 20:10

It is indeed hard to describe Nathaniel Archibald, since he wouldn’t be able to do so either. He’s always been considered the golden boy of the Upper East Side, and he’s lived up to it so far, or at least tried to. It’s turned out to be a lot harder than you’d think over the last couple years, keeping up with everyone’s expectations, but it hit Nate not long ago that maybe he shouldn’t be doing so, and now he’s realized following his own ambitions may be even harder… though it’s also a lot more gratifying. Considering all this, it’s easy to comprehend why most people wouldn’t get his friendship with Chuck Bass; shallow, manipulative Chuck Bass. Truth be told, they’ve been best friends since childhood and nothing could ever change that. It’s probably a matter of balance. Chuck is always able to see what Nate can’t, and vice versa.
  Nate’s never been keen on the whole Gossip Girl deal, but it doesn’t really bother him anyway. He loathes getting his every move published for the whole world to know, but he’s not that affected by it since he doesn’t usually play a big part in scandals, at least when he can avoid it.


Uno - Nate’s mother is a Vanderbilt, and he’s always known he’s expected to be a successful politician, and to maintain all of the family’s traditions. He loves his family and is very loyal to it; it’s been instilled in him to do so.

Dos - Throughout his life, Nate only truly loved two girls, and it made his life a living hell. He loved Blair while dating her, and was in love with Serena at the same time. With B, it felt right because it was supposed to happen, just like he was supposed to go to Dartmouth, and like he’s supposed to become a politician. Maybe it’s the same thing that drew him to S once that is now leading him to V; the fact that it’s his own choice, completely outside of his family’s expectations.

Tres - Nate doesn’t really know what to do with himself. Not at the moment, not in the future. He’s lived all his life commanded by his father, and now that he’s actually trying to find out where he wants to go by himself, he’s feeling a bit lost. Maybe that’s got something to do with his being best friends with Chuck too- Chuck always know what he wants, and he knows how to get it. Nate seems to grasp a bit of that when he’s around C.

Cuatro - Lately, Nate’s developed quite a close relationship to the Humphrey’s, he’s become Dan’s friend and he even dated Jenny for a while, though it didn’t last long. From where he stands, they are a perfect prototype of family, united and supportive of each other.

Cinco - After living seventeen years with the belief that his dad was the perfect businessman, not long ago Nate was confronted with reality:  his dad not only had a cocaine problem, he was also accused of fraud. Though he left the country to avoid being arrested, Nate hasn’t forgotten about this and it’s become a heavy weight for him to carry around.


Deep down, he wanted to slam the door, but he didn’t. Instead, he shut it quietly and walked away almost in slow motion. Tired was no word for him anymore, he was beyond exhausted. He could tell when something was going way too far the minute Chuck’s rants about random hook ups started to annoy him. That was his cue to get away from everything. Things weren’t going well. With his dad gone, his family’s reputation shattered and his grandfather being noticeably absent, Nate had the world on his shoulders, and it was too much weight to carry on his own.

“Could we meet? For old times’ sake”

He pressed “send” and stared at his cell phone for quite a while. It was weird to realize there had been a time when seeing Blair’s name on the screen wasn’t just the usual thing, but had even been a tad annoying at some point. Now it spelled comfort, it spelled tradition; it spelled a destination he’d been meant to reach. And despite how hard he’d fight it, fate and tradition would always find their way back to his life. Maybe it was because they were actually as meaningful as they were supposed to be. Or maybe it was that they’d become a part of him, a part that he’d learned to cherish. And perhaps he was supposed to be with someone who’d appreciate that part of him that was the Vanderbilt vein to feel complete. Not wild Serena, or tender Vanessa. After all they'd been through, Nate was beginning to wonder if it wasn’t Blair who he should be with. Chuck had once complaint Blair was trying to play his wife in a sense, and in Nathaniel Archibald’s life, there was no room for flings or mere romances. His main issue with her had been the pressure, the feeling that they were supposed to be an IT couple forever and that he couldn't escape it. Maybe playing house with B didn't seem so inappropiate now that he'd come to terms with his destiny as a Vanderbilt.

nate archibald, rp

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