GLEE FIC: Identity (7/8)

Mar 30, 2012 19:41

Title: Identity, part 7
Fandom: Glee
Summary: In the small sexist village, Kurt Hummel finds life difficult. He’s a man but constantly treated as a woman because of his not-straightforward gender. He wants to leave the village but Blaine Anderson wants him as a wife. Can they compromise their dreams without a lot of heartbreak?
Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine, Burt/Elizabeth, Matthew/Mary Anderson, Puck/Quinn, Finn/Rachel, Brittany, Sam, OCs.
Categories: AU, drama, angst, H/C
Rating: NC-17 this part
Warnings: Non-con (sort of explicit, in first part), mpreg, intersex gender, mention of abortion
Word count: 3,212 words this part (26,000+ total so far)
Prompt: this prompt here on the glee_kink_meme, and 'Early 20th century for au-bingo.
A/N: Nearly there!! Please comment if you enjoy this fic :)

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Blaine couldn’t sit still during the church service. He had been looking forward to this day for so many years and now it was finally here! He would get to marry Kurt! They had gone through several trials but their love had brought them through to this day.

He tugged at his suit sleeves. It was actually his father’s suit, adjusted by his mother to fit Blaine’s smaller frame, and he felt a little out of place in it. He just knew that Kurt would be wearing something wonderful and Blaine had wanted to impress his husband with his own sartorial wear but he wasn’t sure he had succeeded. Still, it didn’t matter too much because he was getting married!

Blaine hadn’t seen Kurt yet. He knew the Hummels were all at church but they were sitting in the back row; as per tradition, he hadn’t been allowed to see Kurt since yesterday. All he could do was wait and keep praying that no-one would disrupt the wedding. He wouldn’t put it past the former councillors, Green and Williams in particular, to turn up at the wedding and object to it.

Right at the end of the sermon, Reverend Wright addressed the congregation. “I would like to announce that the wedding of Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel will take place at the conclusion of today’s service. They wish to invite their friends and family to join them in this joyous occasion, and partake in the wedding feast afterwards.” And before anyone could object, the Reverend indicated for the final hymn to be sung.

Green was left seething, and nearby, Williams was doing likewise. They had objected to his wedding; how was it that it was still going ahead? When the hymn was finished and several families started for the door, they approached the preacher.

“You can’t allow this!” Green bit out, keeping his anger under tight control.

“Actually, I can,” Reverend Wright replied. “As your objections were not made out of concern for the well-being of the applicants but instead in revenge, then they are not valid. And if you still not content, then I suggest that you spend that energy in making sure your own household is happy rather than trying to ruin someone else’s. Good day to you both and may God bless you.”

Both men were speechless; they had never heard the Reverend be so harsh with anyone. Unable to argue back, Williams turned to see Matthew and Burt standing behind him, and Blaine off to the side.

“This isn’t over.”

“Oh, I think it is,” Burt stated. “If anything happens to the boys, or to any of us, then everyone will know it was you and you will be driven out of town. There may be a few folk who agree with you but there are many more who know love when they see it and they want to give Kurt and Blaine a chance to find happiness.”

Most of the congregation, many of whom were the younger folk of the village, cheered Burt’s statement. In the face of such support for their enemies, Green and Williams slunk out of the church, finally defeated.

“Thank you,” Blaine said quietly to Burt as the congregation started to get themselves organised for the wedding.

“It’s the least I could do for you two,” Burt responded, clapping Blaine on the shoulder. “Now, marry my son and make him happy.”

“Yes, sir.” Blaine had every intention of doing that. He took his place at the front of the church, Finn by his side acting as best man, and waited for the music to begin so he could turn around and see Kurt.

It seemed like forever until the organ music started. Blaine turned and immediately forgot how to breathe. Kurt looked so handsome in the black suit, so much more stylish than anyone else. Blaine knew he was lucky that he had snared Kurt before the latter had left the village; he would have the most handsome husband for miles around!

Finn clasped Blaine’s shoulder, bringing him back to the present and making him remember to breathe before he passed out.

Kurt walked up the aisle, his eyes fixed on Blaine. This was it - there was no turning back. He noted that Blaine looked good in his dark brown suit, even if it was a little ill-fitting, and that there was so much love in his husband-to-be’s face. And then he was standing at Blaine’s side, Burt behind him ready to give him away.

The first part of the service was all a blur to the two boys, becoming clear twice: firstly, when the Reverend called for any objections and everyone waited with bated breath to see if anyone was speak; and secondly, when they had to say their vows to each other.

Blaine went first. After taking Kurt’s hand, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves, and stated, “I, Blaine Robert Anderson, take thee Kurt Edward Elizabeth Hummel, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love and to cherish, till death us do part. According to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I plight thee my troth.” He exhaled heavily at the end, pleased to have got through the speech with making any mistakes.

Kurt squeezed his hand upon seeing the relief on Blaine’s face. Though he wasn’t thrilled with having to recite the bride’s speech, he knew that those who mattered wouldn’t judge him. He stated in his clear voice, “I, Kurt Edward Elizabeth Hummel, take thee Blaine Robert Anderson, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. To love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part. According to God's holy ordinance, and thereto I plight thee my troth.”

Reverend Wright nodded and then gestured to Finn. The tall boy took a gold-plated ring from his pocket and handed it to Blaine. The ring was Blaine’s late grandmother’s and he wanted to give it to Kurt as a symbol of their families being joined together. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

Kurt drew breath sharply as the ring slid onto his finger. Blaine had told him about the ring but he hadn’t realised how sentimental he would feel when wearing it. “It’s beautiful,” he whispered.

“So are you,” Blaine whispered back.

The rest of the service didn’t take too long. Blaine and Kurt kissed chastely when instructed to and then turned to face the congregation.

Burt was first in line to congratulate them, closely followed by the rest of the family. Despite his reputation as someone who wasn’t easily moved to tears, Burt had had to wipe away some suspicious moisture as the wedding had progressed. His son had been through so much in eighteen years, had been bullied and teased by the other boys in the village, and pressured to conform to societal norms. But Kurt had come through all those with a strong determination and had found someone who loved him for who he was. That was all a parent could ask for.

Elizabeth found him and slipped an arm around his waist. “Our little boy is all grown up,” she said wistfully, her red-rimmed eyes giving an indication of her emotional state.

“And about to start a family of his own,” Burt agreed. “I’ve been thinking about asking Kurt if he wants to become a part-time apprentice with me. You know he’s never been happy about not being able to earn money like the other boys.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Elizabeth kissed her husband’s cheek. “Now, come. We have a luncheon to attend.”

Burt followed his wife without a complaint; he was hungry.


The party went on all afternoon. Children ran around outside in-between bouts of dancing while inside Kurt and Blaine’s new house, the adults stood around talking. Much of the talk revolved around the wedding, as was usual, and the couple’s interior decorating. There were a few women there who simply wanted something to gossip about in future weeks but the rest of the guests were genuinely happy for Kurt and Blaine.

It wasn’t until five o’clock that the last of the guests left, which were the Hummels. Elizabeth gave the boys a hug each, ignoring the tears that wanted to fall; she didn’t want to let her boy go. In fact, it took Burt’s firm hand-hold to get her to leave.

Finally, Kurt and Blaine were alone. They spent a few moments just staring at each other, the silence deafening around them. They were alone for the first time in their marriage.

“Hello,” Blaine said to break the silence.

Kurt couldn’t help but giggle at the ridiculousness of the greeting. “Hello,” he echoed.

Blaine leaned in to kiss Kurt for longer than he had done at the church. When they parted a minute later, Blaine smiled at his husband. “We’re married.”

“I thought there was a good reason why I was at church today,” Kurt teased, putting his arms over Blaine’s shoulders. “So, what do we do now?”

“Well, I think that since we’ve eaten all afternoon and I know I’ve been up since dawn, I thought we could go to bed,” Blaine replied, sliding his hand a little further down Kurt’s back and under his shirt.

“But it’s still daylight,” Kurt protested. Admittedly, the sun would be setting soon as the days were getting shorter but it meant that they would be able to see each in more than candlelight and that scared him a little.

“So?” Blaine kissed Kurt again. “I have something special in mind.”

“Well, in that case…” Kurt allowed Blaine to lead him upstairs and into their bedroom. Theirs. Kurt’s heart skipped a beat with happiness. This was their house, their bedroom, their bed. “I have something in mind too.”

Considering what Kurt had come up with last time, Blaine was quite excited by that prospect. “You go first then.”

“Are you sure?” When Blaine nodded, Kurt stated, “Alright. We just need to start with our usual stuff and then I’ll tell you when we get up to… it.” He just couldn’t say the words yet.

They took their time getting undressed, exploring each other’s body in the natural light. Blaine took a longer time than usual in pleasuring Kurt and brought his lover to orgasm that way through a mixture of fingering and sucking.

Kurt lay there for a few minutes as Blaine cuddled up to his side. “I hope that never gets old,” he murmured after a while.

“Me too.” Blaine loved causing pleasure that way. He let his hand drift over Kurt’s stomach; he would also never get tired of feeling evidence of the little life growing inside there. “So what was your idea?”

“Just give me a minute.” Kurt wasn’t sure he had the strength to sit upright yet. He turned his head to look into Blaine’s warm brown eyes and saw his love reflected there. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Blaine was genuinely confused.

“For loving me,” Kurt replied simply. He got his limbs co-ordinating and sat up, tugging Blaine up with him. Changing the subject, he said, “I don’t quite know how this works but I think you need to cross your legs and I have to somehow sit on your lap.”

“Alright.” Blaine did as he was instructed. Then he waited as Kurt tried to work out how to best sit down.

After some testing, Kurt pushed Blaine’s legs inwards a bit and then straddled his thighs. “This way,” he said to himself more than Blaine. The position opened him wide but hopefully it would prove to be a good thing.

Blaine put his arms around Kurt’s waist as his husband slowly lowered himself onto the waiting erection. When Kurt was seated as far as he wanted to go, they were pressed together almost full length along their chests, and Blaine could feel the swell of Kurt’s stomach against his. “This is nice,” he commented.

Kurt smile his agreement. Blaine’s chest hair was slightly scratchy but as he moved, it also aroused him. Kurt moved slowly, experimenting with the angle that Blaine was inside him. When he found the angle that repeatedly rubbed Blaine’s shaft against whatever was inside him that caused pleasure, Kurt stopped experimenting and simply continued moving that way. He shifted his arms so that they were looped behind Blaine’s neck and then lazily kissed his new husband.

They continued that way for at least five minutes, building the pleasure slowly. Blaine loved the way Kurt’s breath would hitch when there a spike of pleasure so he did his best to remember how to cause that reaction and repeat it often. After a while, he also ran his finger up and down between Kurt’s buttocks, showing him how nice it could feel.

Soon, the pleasure inside them both caused their movements to speed up until they both orgasmed, Kurt slightly before Blaine. They clung to each other through the aftershocks before collapsing carefully, still entwined.

“I like that one too,” Blaine stated as he rolled them both onto their sides.

Kurt had straightened one of his legs so that it didn’t end up under Blaine but the other was still hooked over his lover’s hip. He could feel Blaine softening inside him and he tightened his muscles around the shaft, keeping it in place. Kurt had grown used to the feel of it now and he quite liked the feeling of fullness - so long as it didn’t go too deep. “We’ll add that to the list then.”

Blaine couldn’t help but grin; the list was getting longer and longer. “Do you want to sleep now or go again?”

“Well, it is still early…” Kurt said, looking towards the curtain-covered window that was letting the light in. They hadn’t closed the drapes but no-one would be able to see them through the lace curtains anyway.

“I’ll tell you about my idea then,” Blaine stated. His hands started to stroke Kurt’s side as he talked. “I was thinking about what it must feel like for you when I’m… you know… and I did some experimenting here.” He reached behind Kurt and pressed a finger to his anus.

Kurt immediately knocked his hand away. “Blaine, that’s disgusting!”

“I know it should be,” Blaine agreed, “but it actually feels really good. So I figure that I can… do you… that way if we don’t want to create more children, and you can do me too.”

That was one way not to conceive but still…

Blaine looked at Kurt’s sceptical expression. “If we keep those bits clean, then I’m sure it will be fine. So, would you like to try it?” He waited anxiously for Kurt’s answer.

Kurt through it over carefully. One part of him was totally disgusted by the idea but the other part of him was curious to know what being inside someone was like. “You’ve washed… there?”

“This morning,” Blaine told him. “I can wash again if you like?”

Kurt nodded; that would make him feel better about all of this.

Blaine carefully withdrew from Kurt and then hurried down to the laundry-bathroom. A few minutes later, he was back and holding the small pot of lard they had been given.

“What’s that for?” Kurt asked as Blaine settled himself onto the bed again. He had cleaned himself with a piece of cloth while he had been waiting, to give himself something to do.

“It makes things easier,” Blaine replied. “I’ll show you.” He scooped out a small amount of lard onto two fingers, then reclined and reached down to press his fingers into his anus.

Kurt watched with a mixture of fascination and horror as Blaine fingered himself. He noted the pleasure Blaine seemed to gain from the act and started to believe that it might actually be a good thing. At least, there was one part of his body that thought it might be.

Blaine withdrew his fingers and smiled up and Kurt. “I’m ready if you are.”

“Umm… are you sure this isn’t going to hurt you or anything?” Kurt’s penis was only a little bigger than two fingers wide and long but even so, it still might hurt.

“It’ll be fine,” Blaine assured him. He held one hand up towards Kurt. “Please?”

Kurt took the hand and shifted to kneel in-between Blaine’s thighs. He was still a little wary about putting his erection into that particular hole but he trusted Blaine. Carefully, he lined himself up and slowly pushed into the tight hole. The heat was overwhelming and so much more than he had expected. And it felt good; no wonder Blaine loved making love!

Blaine felt his muscles stretch around Kurt’s shaft and he smiled to himself; this felt better than just using his fingers. He tilted his hips up and put his legs around Kurt’s thighs, echoing the position they had first made love in.

Kurt pushed all the way in, watching carefully in case Blaine didn’t want him to go too deep. He knew his erection would be easier to accommodate than Blaine’s though, and that thought scared him a little. But he shouldn’t worry about that now, not when Blaine was waiting for him to move.

The sensation of Kurt sliding in and out of him was strange but Blaine decided that he liked it. The angle wasn’t quite right to hit that little spot of pleasure that he had discovered but that was alright; they had time to get that perfect. Blaine shifted his hand to stroke himself as Kurt moved slowly and then gradually faster.

Despite feeling a little self-conscious that his rhythm wasn’t as graceful as Blaine’s usually was, Kurt soon lost himself in the sensations flooding through him. He let his instincts take over and all too soon, found himself climaxing, spilling his seed into Blaine’s tight channel.

Blaine’s hand sped up and he orgasmed thirty seconds after Kurt. Then he helped Kurt withdraw and then shift to lie in his arms. “Good?”

“You couldn’t tell?” Kurt responded breathlessly. His heart was still racing and as he put his hand on Blaine’s chest, could feel the rapid heartbeat there. “That is definitely going on the list. But only if ‘that part’ is clean because otherwise - eww.”

“I promise,” Blaine said cheerfully, giving Kurt a quick peck on the lips. “I love you, husband.”

“I love you too, husband,” Kurt stated before closing his eyes; he was feeling quite tired.

Blaine watched Kurt drift off to sleep, a sappy look on his face. Here he was, finally in his own home, with a loving partner at his side and a baby on the way. That was all he had ever wanted and now he had it. He would just have to remember never to take that for granted.

Part 7.5...

kurt/blaine, glee, au, au_bingo, identity, fic

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