transformers... transawesome

Jul 06, 2007 01:19

Tonight i traversed the wild and wooly ways of lower ville of nash to see the ever coveted by fans of all ages and geekdom; transformers.

Granted i was greeted throughout the movie by a barrage of label whoring. If my memory serves, i believe there was a panasonic pimping, an hp computer (used for the very heartfelt moment symbolizing all men oversees who have yet to hold their newborn children), nokia (which is consequently from Finland, not japan), apple laptops, pontiac solstice, cameros (dubbed, 'satans camero'), escalades of some sort, EBAY (where our protagonist is soughtafter as ladiesman217), the world wide web....

thats all i can remember at the moment. Label prostitution aside, the original voice of optimus prime is probably what set me for the remainder of the film. Oh and the very small voice clip we get of the president who sounded almost as Bush as dubya. I believe his one-liner was something to the extent of 'can ya wrangle me up some ding dongs?" ... although the secretary of defense in the movie was way too aggressive to be resembling anyone in the Bush administration... or any for that matter. I do beleive he shot and cocked his own assault rifle.

other than that, i felt as if my size had shrunk, my glasses enlarged, my hair had frizzed and my teeth un straightened to the days of bliss where i reigned supreme Queen geek in the united states of nostalgia. I was taken aback at how quickly i felt the tug of time pulling me to those mornings when my best friend johnathon (of course i was completely in love with the boy, at age 6) and i would wake up to an ungodly lack of sunlight all to catch those excellent morsels we so passively called cartoons. 6am was a way of life on saturday. Sure his basement was stinky, he had annoying twin brothers (lack of memory serves me to label them 'pip' and 'skip') and a father who lacked the ability to buy juiceboxes, bandaids or toilet paper... but he had cable, and that was essentially all we needed. Cable and a sofa. I usually brought the snacks.

mmm, juicy juice. almost 100% juice.

update on what im reading this week: webcomics (there is no shame at all) such as,,, and

as to the high brow literature, Im reading the space trilogy by C.S. lewis, and once i get paid tomorrow, i'll be buying the windup bird chronicle by Haruki Murakami, V for vendetta (yes the graphic novel), and 'batman year one.'

I've been really busy lately with a summer class offered through Lee University where i attend, as a distance learning course online... which is nice b/c i'd rather not have to move to cleveland just for one class. It is however an accelerated course which means i basically have my ass handed to me on a weekly basis. Im keeping it together though. A case study on capitol punishment and three quizes on some reading material that spans about half the book, also a discussion post similar to the case study except that its posted on a discussion forum in front of my classroom peers. which isnice if i were being eloquent, but mostly i just post sheepishly and quickly.



edit-this is actually a post from my xanga, but i figure i have to start updating somewhere.
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