Jan 22, 2006 22:01
Being back at Scripps is a definite improvement on being "home" in Framingham (here: personal space, no crazy parents, friends who aren't total flakes, boyfriend, 70 degree weather, and did I mention no crazy parents?)
First week of school went OK. I'm taking five classes and they all look great except for music theory four, which I don't want to talk about. Socially, Claremont is really weird. With Moira, Gwyn, Claire, Tasha, Anna, Lexi, Cheska, Sjuli etc gone I pretty much have no friends and have had to resort to Carey's group of friends. It's not awful, but I am looking forward to Moira and Alana visiting this week, and for senior year in general.
The truly exciting event of this past week was buying a futon. It makes my room fantastic, but things will be much better when maintenance fucking removes my bed! Scripps maintenance is so anal about this stuff. At Pomona or any of the other Claremont colleges, if you want to leave your bed frame in the hallway for them to take it away, no problem. At Scripps, if you do that, they take away your bed, and then they charge you as if you lost it! Ridiculousness.
Anyway that's my update. Oh, and 21st birthday this week, THANK GOD! I will be drunk and full of tapas. Mmm.