Mar 24, 2007 08:44
It seems sad to me that we are just going through the days in a repitious cycle. The normalicy of it all is a little overwhelming for me.
I get up
I prepare
I get kids up
They prepare
Home or errands
prepare dinner
time with kids
*this is the saddest change, more later
bed for kids
start again the next day
* My time with the kids, unecumbered, easy flowing is now practically nil. We have about an hour after dinner and the weekends. My kids have become something of video junkies. They play some games and they watch some movies. I sit with them to read books or play cards, and I fall asleep. It's quite funny and sad. If I sit with them to watch Animal Planet (favorite TV right now)I fall asleep between them. They nudge me and say, "Mom wake up" and I do, but we all get a laugh out of it.
On a fangirl note, I'm still holding out home that I'll get to see Randy this summer in, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. Gotta work on that.
And let's all put a surprised hand to cheek when we realize that NCLB has some faults or perhaps 'areas of improvement' -that's a good one.
Until I neglect something else to write again. See ya!
PS - off to print some fan fic to read over breakfast, even though I should be grading Reading tests.