Further comments on the state of my life...

Nov 21, 2004 00:01

Hmmm...Saturday night...and I am sitting in my bedroom. My roommate and friend are reminiscing in the living room ;). I should be studying anatomy or molecular and cellular biology for my quiz on Monday. Instead, I found this in Jen's journal. Therefore....who wants to waste time with me? (Since my other option was a stream-of-consciousness post on random thoughts...I will content myself with this. Whoohoo, still two posts in as many days, even if they are a paragraph long!)

AHHH....A Chain Post...
1. Name:
2. What makes you happy:
3. What have you been listening to lately:
4. Do you enjoy reading my LJ:
5. If so, why:

1. A movie:
2. A book:
3. A band, song or album:

1. Tell me one thing you love about me.
2. Tell me two things you love about yourself.
3. Look through the comments, and when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them.
4. Do this in your journal so I can tell you what I love about you -- and if you've already done it, tell me so, so that I can go back and give you some love.
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