Can't believe how long it's been since I updated. I've been distracted by a lot of non-fandom things still going on, and spending a lot of time babbling about Mad Men on TWOP-no, not bashing Megan or JP’s teeth! There were times I was overdosing on her a bit and I don't think JP is that strong of an actress, especially relative to the rest of the
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Korra's feeling that she needed to confront Amon, otoh, was nothing new. She'd been confronting him all along, hadn't she? Didn't she only still have her bending because Amon let her go or got interrupted one time? She was going off to face him again with the same plan (throw fireballs and rocks at him) with only one possible ending: losing her bending. Faced with a villain who can take over her body and take away her bending, she never wavers much from this instinct.
The difference this time is that though her initial plan WAS to physically fight him (...again), she then took the time to hear Tarrlok's story and realized that she had a much better chance of stopping Amon by exposing him, not fighting. When she does confront him, she uses the truth to question his legitimacy and influence his followers -- a much more indirect, defensive, and non-violent (well, initially) confrontation that's stylistically more in line with airbending than the other elements. Airbending punches aside, it's her initial attempt to discredit him that ultimately leads to his downfall: first when he loses the support from his lieutenant, and second when he loses the support of the citizens of Republic City, who are only able to recognize him without his mask because of his response to Korra's confrontation. So her instincts were correct, but she had to realize them in a more balanced approach.
Of course, this would have played a lot better if anyone had mentioned airbending since, like, the second episode...
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