
Aug 23, 2011 15:17

Thought it was a poltergeist ( Read more... )

life, books, asoiaf, reading

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Comments 4

strangemuses August 23 2011, 20:46:02 UTC
Reporting in from the DC area (Maryland side): my house shook like crazy and stuff fell off of shelves, but there doesn't seem to be any structural damage to my house that I can see. The news is reporting on structural damage around the area, but fortunately there haven't been reports of any serious injuries.


sistermagpie August 24 2011, 01:59:25 UTC
Good to hear your'e okay! I haven't heard about anybody being hurt, thank goodness.

And yes, Errol, I do want your hat.


ava_jamison August 28 2011, 04:21:46 UTC
Heh. Poltergeist. I came to see if you'd said anything about the storm. Glad your sister and her kids were okay and in NYC!


sistermagpie August 28 2011, 18:40:54 UTC
My sister went home...was it yesterday? Or I guess the day before. I think they got home before the storm would hit there.

My mom lost power and still doesn't have it. She's got some flooding in the cellar. But I didn't lose anything here. I'm gearing myself to just emailing the office and saying that with no subways or buses I am not working tomorrow.


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