First Song You Loved Meme--now with navel gazing!

Mar 11, 2011 12:57

Wow there are scary things happening all over the world all at once right now. And I'm removed enough from all of them that I can focus on a meme that jlh tagged me with:

What's the first song you truly remember loving? (Don't worry if it's a little embarrassing; you were just a kid!) Then tag as many friends as you like to do the meme as well!Hard ( Read more... )

memes, life

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Comments 14

steepholm March 11 2011, 19:22:22 UTC
Ah, I had the single of Monster Mash. "Whatever happened to the Transylvanian twist?" I felt sooo sophisticated for getting the joke!


sistermagpie March 11 2011, 21:34:48 UTC
Heh. You were sophisticated!


tofty March 11 2011, 20:05:40 UTC
Man, I don't have any older siblings, so I never had the musical education/trial-by-fire that people with siblings do. Sadly, my list is very innocuous!


sistermagpie March 11 2011, 21:35:33 UTC
I don't remember too much of that but when my sister lived at home I remember being aware of songs she liked if she played them a lot. I remember finding the Cat Stevens song "Moonshadow" funny because of the line about losing his teeth if he had no mouth.


ook March 11 2011, 21:31:31 UTC
Mine was probably the novelty song "Snoopy VS. the Red Baron by the Royal Guardsmen." Yes, it was about the Peanuts character. :)


sistermagpie March 11 2011, 21:35:58 UTC
I love that song! I think I have it on my iPod. Merry Christmas, my friend!


seven31 March 11 2011, 22:35:33 UTC
What about using Pandora to see if another song may be That Song I Don't Know The Name Of Now?


sistermagpie March 12 2011, 04:57:22 UTC
I hadn't even thought of that! And have never tried Pandora--but I'm not sure the information I have could really help me with it.


ishtar79 March 12 2011, 10:39:57 UTC
Your answer (whether it's Hotel California or Sympathy for the Devil) is actually pretty cool. I shudder to think what my first song might have been (I do know my first casettes were Madonna, Michael Jackson and for some reasons the New Jack City ost-yes, my poor mother had no idea what she was buying me).

A friend of mine's first album was The Rocky Horror Show, and she spent much of primary school loudly singing "Toucha-toucha-touch me". The mental image is hilariously inappropriate.


sistermagpie March 13 2011, 01:57:57 UTC
LOL! I can remember singing that Rocky Horror song pretty young, but old enough that I got what it was about. I can imagine how it might just be funny if you're six!


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